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  1. C

    had a roof quote could someone help

    Had 3 quotes in total now 2nd guy yesterday said i need a whole new roof and he could give me a great price surprisingly ... thought to myself man u must be good u only looked in my attic didnt even bother going up ladders to inspect tiles etc infact didnt even go round back said didnt have to...
  2. C

    had a roof quote could someone help

    Thanks for reply nige is this the correct place to post this to ask a roofer or should i have posted else where
  3. Untitled


  4. Untitled


  5. Untitled


  6. craigs


  7. C

    had a roof quote could someone help

    Thanks del this is what i thought but really wanted to confirm i was expecting maybe £200 or so but tbh not knowing anything about roofs or roofing lol i have no clue if helsp heres pics...(sorry theyre sideways dunno how to rotate them on here )
  8. C

    had a roof quote could someone help

    i got a quote for some work on my roof both internally and external could anyone tell me if the price is good or not please as i really have no clue the work is as follows 1. Replace broken tile on rear of roof. 2. Settle back into place dislodged tiles on roof. 3. Wire brush all...
  9. C

    boiler genie

    hi people im hoping someone may be able to help.. has anyone ever heard of boiler genie? afaik they are a registered name of gas care heating services ive had them in giving me a quote for a new boiler (switching from my old conventional to a new combi ) the quote i think is good but i...