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  1. N

    How to fill these gaps?

    It's white walls and white panels, so I don't think I'd want to paint on top; I'd be fine with the white. Thanks though.
  2. N

    How to fill these gaps?

    My joiner left a few unfinished gaps in my two bedsides. Being a bit of a DYIer I asked him what should I fill it in, caulk or silicone, and he said either. I am thinking of silicone because of movement (building's 120 years old). Would that be the right choice? Another question: material...
  3. N

    How to seal this hole on the floor?

    Anti-mice action is another significant too. Thanks for the suggestion. I heard they'd even eat through the wire wool.
  4. N

    How to seal this hole on the floor?

    I've got this horror under my kitchen sink, and I need to seal it with expanding foam. However the hole is at the back of the wall. I was thinking of laying one layer of foam at the time at the perimeter and then gradually coming in until it's fully sealed, however I'm not sure this will work as...
  5. N

    Change of radiator of Hive TRV?

    I've got a Siemens TRV, numbered 1-5, I just didn't know that it slowly closes as the room temp reaches the set number. I'm saying this because the rest of the radiators that I set them to say, 2 just heat up less. So I guess it kind of works like a manual tap in the sense that the radiator...
  6. N

    Change of radiator of Hive TRV?

    I mean it is bring heated, just not sufficiently, so I guess you're right. I thought manual TRVs just adjust the amount of hotnwater circulating in the radiator, no?
  7. N

    Change of radiator of Hive TRV?

    My ensuite bathroom has 2 external double brick walls and a large window. Naturally, in the winter, it's the coldest room in the flat by around 5 degrees, and very humid. It's also the only room with a single radiator, everywhere else it's a double. I can manage the heating of the entire flat...
  8. N

    Supporting for large wardrobe door?

    This should be it! He provided a lot of stuff from Hafele, so this should be it. Many thanks!
  9. N

    Supporting for large wardrobe door?

    My joiner left a wardrobe project unfinished. He had said that he was going to put supporting rods behind the wardrobe doors, which are basically three 3m tall sliding doors. I haven't found on google something that classifies as a wooden panel supporting rod, I don't know if he had something...
  10. N

    Can I add a thermostat to an electric towel radiator?

    Thanks. You mean like having an external wire that'll connect the timer and the fused switch? I have a toddler around and this may not be the best solution. I wonder, can I replace the switch altogether with a timer switch? I do find some stuff on the internet, but not sure if they work in my case.
  11. N

    Can I add a thermostat to an electric towel radiator?

    Precisely, the switch is outside the bathroom. Do you mind sharing a link to one, as I don't know what to search for? Do I add this, in addition to the existing switch? How about a timer switch though? Is that possible?
  12. N

    Can I add a thermostat to an electric towel radiator?

    Can I have a thermostat attached to this radiator, or even a timer switch to replace the socket with? I'm looking for a better solution than the on/off switch. My bathroom is constantly cold and I want to have some control over how much electricity I'm using...
  13. N

    The second electrician says the first one shouldn't have issued a satisfactory EICR.

    He came back saying: Visual inspection showed the board was labeled incorrectly and there were over sized and under sized breakers for the circuits wired.
  14. N

    The second electrician says the first one shouldn't have issued a satisfactory EICR.

    What's wrong with a mix of BG and Contactum though? Surely both of them do the same thing.
  15. N

    The second electrician says the first one shouldn't have issued a satisfactory EICR.

    Thanks for your detailed comment. I get it that "anyone can do an EICR", however my problem is that I'm now found in the middle, with an electrician claiming that the current installation is non-compliant (I don't know whether that qualifies as potentially hazardous, I take it from your comment...
  16. N

    The second electrician says the first one shouldn't have issued a satisfactory EICR.

    Bumping this thread with an updated pic of my electricity board and relevant wiring. Off the bat, I see that the labeling is wrong: there's no water heater (GCH) and no electric shower either, not to mention the stickers are offset.
  17. N

    The second electrician says the first one shouldn't have issued a satisfactory EICR.

    Allegedly qualified electricians (contractors).
  18. N

    The second electrician says the first one shouldn't have issued a satisfactory EICR.

    Many thanks for taking the time to write all that up! My question now is, what can I do with these docs, if they're proven to be carelessly filled out / wrong? Can I go after the electricians in some way? Is there any point in even doing so? And what do I have to look out for next time I hire...