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  1. D

    Roller blind, lintel, pink grip

    I want to attach a roller blind outside of the window recess. I was hoping it would be straightforward but. Drilling into the lintel is a no-go. I was going to drill into the ceiling, but I can't get the drill in close enough against the wall I attempted attaching plank of wood to wall with pink...
  2. D


    I live in a block of three flats. We have a pretty old intercom system, ones that I have seen in most older flats. I can't see a name on it. My question is, I had the same one in my last flat, and my ex adapted it so it could be switched on and off. How do I do this? does anyone know?
  3. D

    Removing a radiator

    Can I remove one radiator from the wall and still run the central heating? Or does everything have to stay switched off?