A big thank you...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
To all you quitters, because I have been finally converted...

After a few days of deliberation following the election, myself and my family have decided that england is no longer for us so I am now a 'quitter'!

We have just booked our one way tickets out of here to my partner's country, along with a cargo container for our belongings...

Timed so that our youngest gets exams done and dusted, and I can get the equivalent of 'settled status' over there before the cut off point..

Along with two elder siblings, england will have lost two medics (one having completed studies and the other still in a foreign Uni), along with an exceptional linguist (in three languages so far and brushing up on two more)...

It will be quite a big financial hit for us, but we've decided to wave goodbye to the very substantial amounts we've contributed to the UK economy and the pensions we will lose...

Because we no longer wish to live in the xenophobic/nationalistic/racist country that england has become. A country that I was born in and where we have raised our family...
(and if you're wondering mottie, a 'white' indigenous person who can trace his english ancestry back to 1745 :))

But as we cross into international airspace, I will be thinking...

Goodbye and Good riddance!

And thanks for all the fish (that are also heading north) :LOL:

So to those who remain, because you have no choice or individual thinking...

You're welcome to what remains of what was once a fairly good place to live...

Enjoy! (y)
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Hi Ellal, I am very sorry to hear you are leaving the UK, I sm sure it must have been a tough decision as no doubt you will be leaving behind extended family and friends.

My very best wishes for the future.

Do you have a new job lined up?
I suspect you were planning to leave well before the result of Thursday's GE. ;)
Good luck for you and your family's future endeavors.
The grass is always greener...you'll be back ya muppet :)

We've just had a similar bleating round robin from a remoaner relative that fled to France a few months ago....going ever so well there of course :ROFLMAO:
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Good luck to you for the future. At least you have the courage of you convictions! I tried to get my better half to emigrate to NZ a few years back but sadly didn't want to leave behind family. Understood that is hard for some.
The grass is always greener...you'll be back ya muppet :)

We've just had a similar bleating round robin from a remoaner relative that fled to France a few months ago....going ever so well there of course :ROFLMAO:

That's not very nice
Good luck. Moving is a massive decision, although some people do seem to manage it easier than others. I'd am tempted to try something new, one day - have a good old friend in Switzerland and he has asked me many times why I still live here. For me, it's mostly about the kids, I don't want to disrupt their lives while they are still in primary and secondary school. But in 10 years, who knows? I quite fancy Portugal, my wife could probably get us in.
I once said I'm out of this country if Blair got another term. He did and I did. The grass was very brown and dry.
I missed my life and country. So I come home.

Good luck I hope it works for you all.
Some nice comments, so thanks...

And yes ever since the referendum this has been on the cards.
But until now there was a hope that the madness that is brexit would be stopped.
So sadly the quitters have finally won.

Despite leaving family and friends here, it is worth it for the future of our immediate family.

And at least our children will continue to enjoy freedom of movement, which will only be appreciated in this country when it is lost!

I remember the 80's when thatcher tore into this country, but that is but a taste of what boris will unleash...

Hence I will not be sorry to leave.

Although I have to admit I'll miss the real ale and the weather :(
Some nice comments, so thanks...

And yes ever since the referendum this has been on the cards.
But until now there was a hope that the madness that is brexit would be stopped.
So sadly the quitters have finally won.

Despite leaving family and friends here, it is worth it for the future of our immediate family.

And at least our children will continue to enjoy freedom of movement, which will only be appreciated in this country when it is lost!

I remember the 80's when thatcher tore into this country, but that is but a taste of what boris will unleash...

Hence I will not be sorry to leave.

Although I have to admit I'll miss the real ale and the weather :(

Are you fluent in your partners language?
I hope its a country with nice warm summers, I think the outdoor culture of warmer countries makes them more friendly and relaxed. I cant for the life of me understabd why Australians and Kiwis come to work here
Are you fluent in your partners language?
I hope its a country with nice warm summers, I think the outdoor culture of warmer countries makes them more friendly and relaxed. I cant for the life of me understabd why Australians and Kiwis come to work here

Have you ever lived in Australia?
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