A spectacular mistake?

Okay and thanks & respect to you AJ for your measured and polite reply.

The trouble with some here is they don't know how to debate without either personal attacks or bigotry.

I will look into it, however, I don't retract my sense that it's terribly defeatist, unproductive and most of all very saddening to think that we are heading full-on into repeating history yet again.

I am still not convinced that education, integration and peer pressure would not be a better solution instead of doing, and failing, that which we have tried many times before. (Look at the history with Afghanistan).

I don't think acting like pagans forever is our destiny.
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BT when so many well intentioned people have tried everything they can to integrate them and failed, what do you do?

They have fled :rolleyes: as far as Canada only to get up to their old tricks despite the canadians accepting them(at first). It's the same in Ireland. You would think if it were possible to get them into school, jobs and to integrate it would have happened by now. Can it really be the fault of every other group bar them?
Yes, I'm quite well read on this now.

So we should resign to eradicating these vulgar parasites which are an easier target?

They're not known for flying commercial airplanes into towers or as suicide bombers or bankers who 'legally' get away with rape, but shussh....

There are some groups which act with relative impunity and we daren't criticize for fear of reprisal or just accept the injustice and iniquity.

So then; them damn Romas eh... :evil: :evil:
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These guys have no opportunities or offers for a different way of life. So what are they supposed to do, starve?

Listen to the opening lines for a start. “Thousands of children are being forced onto the streets”. “Resorting to begging”. “Children trafficked and exploited”

Far from convincing me they are a bunch of reprobates, quite honestly, it reminds me of Trading Places!

I could go on, but how do you think a child of yours might fair under the same conditions and upbringing? You have to break the cycle, give people opportunities and hope for a better life. If that one girl had been adopted by me here in England do you suppose she would have turned out like that? No - not one bit!

So once again I find it crass to make out it’s somehow in their genes – it’s not! It’s nurture, not nature, just like the indoctrination or brain washing of whole generations from previous wars.

It’s exactly like those who say “once a Crout always a Crout”, like every German today is evil and still coverts world domination. Who would have believed how very different things are today! :eek:

And of course the British, with their Empire mentality, are the world’s worst for harbouring a grudge and putting everyone else down.

If you want to know how your country, GB, is truly viewed then live in a different country and get different perspective. It’s a real eye opener I can tell you!!!
So are you in favour of allowing them all in to beg and steal and fiddle the benefit system? Yes or no? :confused:
If you want to know how your country, GB, is truly viewed then live in a different country and get different perspective. It’s a real eye opener I can tell you!!!

Which begs the question. Why do they all seem to want to come here then? We all know the answer though don't we? Because this country is run by idiots who will give them a house, a telly and a weekly wage for just 'being here'.
So are you in favour of allowing them all in to beg and steal and fiddle the benefit system? Yes or no? :confused:
Simple answer – no! But not because of their ethnicity. As I have said, because there is ‘no more room at the Inn’.

If you want to know how your country, GB, is truly viewed then live in a different country and get different perspective. It’s a real eye opener I can tell you!!!

Which begs the question. Why do they all seem to want to come here then? We all know the answer though don't we? Because this country is run by idiots who will give them a house, a telly and a weekly wage for just 'being here'.
Again, as I have said before, if you scatter seed you’ll attract pigeons. That’s the fault of our system – our stupid Government! I am a great believer in JFKs statement “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”

Unfortunately, Bill Clinton came up with a good one which does not apply to our country sadly. “There is nothing wrong with America which cannot be put right with what’s right with America”. That cannot be said about England because they, most of our politicians, are rotten to the core!

While I’ve got politicians on my mind here’s another I like from a guy I admire, Mr. Skinner.

Dennis: “Half the Tories opposite are crooks”

Speaker: “Please retract”

Dennis: “Ok, half the Tories opposite aren’t crooks”.

We shouldn't be venting our anger at Romas, we should be directing it towards our feckless and corrupt politicians.
So you would be quite happy for the Roma to come here if there were room at the inn? Did you watch the video? :confused:
BT, please update your "spill chaker" crout is spelt kraut
Ah yes Pred. It's just not a word I tend to use, I call them Germans, and 'Yanks' are Americans etc. ;)

This country is full of undesirables Joe. I don't want to add to the list any more than you do. But however one chooses to sugarcoat it, it is racist to cherry pick a group we prefer to have or not.

America is 'a nation of all nations'. It's this integration which they are very proud of. It comes with problems, to state the obvious, but nothing good comes from perpetuating an 'us and them' culture.

I work with very intelligent and highly qualified clinicians from both Greece and Turkey. The only time I have known my dear Greek, and always highly professional, friend mention Turkey was when he said in a very serious tone, "they are all Barbarians!"

There it is again, just like here, THEY are ALL...

To most of 'us' we wouldn't tell them apart and wonder why the hatred? To them, it's the dark ages and they are black verses white! :confused:

How sad that in the 21st century we can harbour such primitive views of an entire race. I don't think generalizations like that, and here, are the answer. In fact I'm certain it isn't.
This country is full of undesirables Joe. I don't want to add to the list any more than you do. But however one chooses to sugarcoat it, it is racist to cherry pick a group we prefer to have or not.

No it's not. It has fook all to do with their race but their culture of crime.

Racially speaking they are Indian, yet Indians can't stick them.

Just as the Irish can't stick the Irish tinkers.

It's their culture, not their race in the dock.

Did you watch that video or not?
No, I didn’t watch it all. I will if I get a chance tonight but the tone was very obviously set. Propaganda works both ways Joe, as you know. What’s next, aeroplanes dropping flyers over England about us being invaded by them and we’re all doomed unless we take arms against them?

I’ve still yet to find something, anything, about half of their population being in jail somewhere allegedly. As said, big on rhetoric small on facts. Anyway, I’m not saying you cannot make a generalisation. I am simply objecting to: -

A) They are all vermin
B) These leopards cannot change their spots

They are human, not vermin! And if a nation as big as Germany full of brainwashed evil mass-murderers can be ‘converted’ to benevolent neighbours – why not Romanians???

Please answer and give me a reason why Romanians are so intrinsically, genetically evil?
Their culture is crime. That's what they are brought up to do. Simples. Watch the video and learn something. You clearly need to travel more.
Their culture is crime. That's what they are brought up to do. Simples. Watch the video and learn something. You clearly need to travel more.
Okay then, you admit it's cultural. That means there's hope for them after all; just like not every Muslim is a terrorist but the media would have you believe otherwise...
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