And so it starts...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
A small demonstration of what is to come

"Riot police, mounted officers, a helicopter and dog units have been called in following an Irish Unity march and counter protest in Glasgow."

Wait until no-deal, and we'll see how N.I. and Scotland react then!

Let alone England...

If the tin pot dictator gets his way, the UK as an whole entity will be history!
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If the tin pot dictator gets his way, the UK as an whole entity will be history!

Johnson has out played the remainers.
Which is great for until the end of Oct.

Then the Tories will find its then end of the road for their lies.

No deal -end of Tories
No Brexit -end of Tories
Deal - ERG will reject

Im rather thinking no deal might be best, esp if the EU force 3rd country status on day 1.

Lets see Rees Mogg try and wriggle out of owning it.
Johnson has out played the remainers.
Which is great for until the end of Oct.

Then the Tories will find its then end of the road for their lies.

No deal -end of Tories
No Brexit -end of Tories
Deal - ERG will reject

Im rather thinking no deal might be best, esp if the EU force 3rd country status on day 1.

Lets see Rees Mogg try and wriggle out of owning it.

I disagree, Tories will win a GE.

Kick the lies into the long grass.

They will blame the EU for No Deal then sell us off to the lowest bidder.

You hear how third world leaders sell their mineral rights for kickbacks well welcome to the UK, we will sell our public services.

Look how many motty, dp, darrington etc types there are, they will simply lap it up.
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I disagree, Tories will win a GE.

Kick the lies into the long grass.

They will blame the EU for No Deal then sell us off to the lowest bidder.

You hear how third world leaders sell their mineral rights for kickbacks well welcome to the UK, we will sell our public services.

Look how many motty, dp, darrington etc types there are, they will simply lap it up.

Oh Ive no doubt a Johnson will be announcing a GE and will win.

But Im not sure whether they have the skills to manage the fallout from no deal......I suppose it depends what happens to those people that have been screaming project fear - where will they turn their anger when the sunlit uplands dont appear.

I do worry you are right though.

I heard a guy on the radio saying that he knew Johnson totally lied about proroguing and he said he was happy to be lied to, it was justified.

Once zero integrity is applauded there is nowhere to go -political leaders can do and say what they like.
Thats hard to climb out of -dishonesty cant easily be won over by honesty.
Let’s not pretend all these people are there for what you think they are there for.

A lot will turn up because they see themselves as some form of rebels. If this was a leave protest half of the same people would be there.

To quote Notch, “that is fact” :LOL::LOL:
Oh Ive no doubt a Johnson will be announcing a GE and will win.

But Im not sure whether they have the skills to manage the fallout from no deal......I suppose it depends what happens to those people that have been screaming project fear - where will they turn their anger when the sunlit uplands dont appear.

I do worry you are right though.

I heard a guy on the radio saying that he knew Johnson totally lied about proroguing and he said he was happy to be lied to, it was justified.

Once zero integrity is applauded there is nowhere to go -political leaders can do and say what they like.
Thats hard to climb out of -dishonesty cant easily be won over by honesty.

We live in a post fact world, being lied to is acceptable, this is manufactured consent, decades of press and media has shaped these beliefs. It works and the best evidence is people continually voting against their best interests.

We are in for a managed decline.
Let’s not pretend all these people are there for what you think they are there for.

A lot will turn up because they see themselves as some form of rebels. If this was a leave protest half of the same people would be there.

To quote Notch, “that is fact” :LOL::LOL:

I personally think the protests are silly

The reality is that Johnson has outplayed the remainers who have no strategh.

Protests are a diversion from the reality -Johnson has nowhere to go, he has boxed himself in for the 31st Oct.

The UK need some form of free flowing tradd with the EU, so idiots can jump and down with glee about no deal all they like.

Because a deal is where we will end up.

Ps make 'fact' taunts all you like. Bring it on I say :ROFLMAO:
I personally think the protests are silly

The reality is that Johnson has outplayed the remainers who have no strategh.

Protests are a diversion from the reality -Johnson has nowhere to go, he has boxed himself in for the 31st Oct.

The UK need some form of free flowing tradd with the EU, so idiots can jump and down with glee about no deal all they like.

Because a deal is where we will end up.

Ps make 'fact' taunts all you like. Bring it on I say :ROFLMAO:

They taunt you with facts but only supply belief.

Shambolic, its everywhere now. Total dismissing of evidence, its lead to rising anti vacc in kids and the return of measles.
They taunt you with facts but only supply belief

I used to laugh at rednecks in the rust belt wearing their 'make America great again' hats
I used to laugh at what it was like 'over there', thinking it was ok 'over here'.

Unfortunately when somebody hasnt been reasoned into a decision they cant be reasoned out of it.

Where do you go when somebody seriously says: fact dont count.
Talking of facts, did you hear about the man that applied to enter his wife onto a new TV programme? He got this reply:

“Thanks for entering your wife for the new quiz show but you may have miss heard the tittle, the show is called "fact hunt" :whistle:
They taunt you with facts but only supply belief.

Shambolic, its everywhere now. Total dismissing of evidence, its lead to rising anti vacc in kids and the return of measles.
Remember when thalidomide was 'good for you'?

Or exposing soldiers near a nuclear test was ok?

Or importing contaminated blood wasn't a risk?

The state has always been the biggest supplier of bovine excrement/fake news, and it then makes the system of recompense so long/expensive/virtually unavailable, that it only holds up it's hands when most of the victims are dead...

Either that or it seals away relevant documents for up to a century!
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