Angela Rayner

I'm not disagreeing with the advisor. He has been misquoted. He has not said the time limit for HMRC to come after her has expired. It hasn't. The time limit for her to declare the unpaid tax has expired.

The issue, is not how much she owes, not if she did it deliberately, but the hypocrisy of denying wrong doing, while at the same time being a fog horn for other's tax misdemeanours.

This article sums it up well..

Standard CGT yes, but CGT derived from the disposal of property is due within 60 days. I suspect she wasn't subject to self assessment at the time, not that its relevant.
I will wait until something is proven.

It doesnt, and shouldnt stop her from highlighting others, for the same or different instances.

Unless of course you think it is designed to make her stay quiet over tax issues generally.
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I'm not disagreeing with the advisor. He has been misquoted. He has not said the time limit for HMRC to come after her has expired. It hasn't. The time limit for her to declare the unpaid tax has expired.

The issue, is not how much she owes, not if she did it deliberately, but the hypocrisy of denying wrong doing, while at the same time being a fog horn for other's tax misdemeanours.

This article sums it up well..

Standard CGT yes, but CGT derived from the disposal of property is due within 60 days. I suspect she wasn't subject to self assessment at the time, not that its relevant.

No, he has not been misquoted.

your point:
“The time limit for her to declare the unpaid tax has expired” is deliberately misleading,
what the HMRC actually say is:
“The normal time limit for making an assessment to recover tax is 4 years”

Those are not the same.

No, he has not been misquoted.

your point:
“The time limit for her to declare the unpaid tax has expired” is deliberately misleading,
what the HMRC actually say is:
“The normal time limit for making an assessment to recover tax is 4 years”

Those are not the same.

What has VAT got to do with it ffs - read the correct book, I linked it already.
It's the other way around, actually.

Some architects are better (more building savvy) than others. Some are just plain useless.
My builders (the brickies doing the extension) almost literally jumped for joy when they heard my architect had been chosen. They had worked from his plans before which they said were much more detailed and clearer than others they had used . I hadn’t appreciated till then how much the level of detail affects the work on the ground.
I hadn’t appreciated till then how much the level of detail affects the work on the ground.
It can save a lot of aggro.

Still doesn't mean that any of them (plan drawers) are any help when it comes to ordering steels or other bespoke items. I still end up getting my old pencil out.
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