Angela Rayner

Failure to pay tax you owe is tax evasion.

Tax evasion is a crime

So you're saying former Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Chairman of the Conservative Party, Nadhim Zahawi, is a criminal.

Did the Bra Baroness pay tax on the millions she hid in a network of offshore accounts?
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On Saturday night, it emerged that a former Rayner aide, Matt Finnegan, has written to GMP, contradicting her claims. “There was no doubt in my mind that this was Ms Rayner’s family home where she lived with her then husband, Mark,” his letter states, according to the Sunday Times. “I remember it quite vividly because Ms Rayner was not at home at first and I had to wait for some time in my car before she eventually arrived. It was also memorable in that it was the first and only time I visited her home during the course of my voluntary work for her.”

I asked @Andydevon earlier this week, whether his assertion

even her aid saying she was lying

was based on the above quote.
I didn't get any reply.

Unless AR's aide has any further information though, I fail to see how he can "have no doubt" that the house was "Ms Rayner's family home", when he specifically states that he remembers it all "quite vividly", it being "memorable" because "it was the first and only time I visited her home".

Matt Finnegan has never - to my knowledge - visited my home.
By his logic therefore, I expect he is also in no doubt of my guilt in any number of misdemeanours, wrongdoings, and nefarious undertakings :ROFLMAO:
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A police source told the Times officers were looking at Rayner’s council tax arrangements after claims she was not living at her property.

What were the council tax rules back then if you had a second home? Could this be about the single person discount?
Plod has been played by gee bee news the daily fail and other have a go heroes. Wouldn’t be surprised if they escalated this to the cps
Do you think she is unaware ?

Unaware of what?

You have said yourself, several times, that you believe she had no idea that CGT might be due when she sold her house. So how could she have deliberately avoided paying CGT, if she had no idea there might be a liability?
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What were the council tax rules back then if you had a second home? Could this be about the single person discount?
well if she maintains she was living there and claiming the 25% discount whilst her brother was also meant to be living there then yep thats a false declaration .
What some journo should be doing, is finding out from Stockport council, whether they put any extra stipulations on RTBs as regards using them as the main home for a period after purchase.
Motorbiking disagrees with HMRC on matters of tax law.

I wonder who is likely to be right?

No I don't.
Nonsense. Do you think she is unaware, after all this that she failed to pay tax she owes.

What is it called when you knowingly fail to pay tax that you owe?

Perhaps you created a paper trail to convince others. How is that possible by mistake?

I have said her mistake is the rules applicable to married couples, I do not give her the same benefit of the doubt when it comes to claiming she was living somewhere where she wasn’t.

A person knows where they live.
it is not nonsense. Of course I believe that HMRC knows more about tax law than you do. You are foolish to try to deny it.

I also know that they already have more of the necessary information than you do

And are actually in a position to obtain more

Unlike you.

So your persistent and desperate smearing is pretty ineffectual.
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