Another boring post from secure about mobiles....

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Looking to make my cheap nokias bluetooth compatible. I only ever by cheap handsets cause I always drop 'em.

Looked in CPW catalogue and can see bluetooth adaptor for 30 sovs that appears to plug in to bottom of 1100. Seeing as my 3330 and 3410 are identical in that respect, I guess the kit would do for those phones, too. And I guess you would need a headset to go with it, too.

Anyone used bluetooth? Any good?

Any truth in the nokia/bluetooth virus scare?
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i have bluetooth, my dentist says i should not eat my pen. :LOL:

seriously its ok, does what it says on the tin, but imho it picks up too much background noise, and people answer you when they think you are talking to them and they do not see you bt ear piece
i have bluetooth use it all the time. mainly so my PDA can connect to the net thru my phone, and the hands free kit in my car uses bluetooth so when someone phones you dont have to **** about gettin phone outta pocket.
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securespark said:
Is it good, though?

And are there any virus worries?

ive never had any problems. and remember the range isnt that much, so there is very little change of gettin virus's
certain funky nightclubs (and other venues i suppose) let you send pictures and messages to the big screen via bluetooth.

I think nokia see bluetooth as a business tool, only sony ericsson have it built into all of their phones, as a fun and business tool.

Only 10 metre range (though some computer bluetooth dongles claim 100 metre range)

I've never had any problems. For someone to gain access to your phone or send a file or message, both users have to key in the same pass code on their phones.
My nokia has bluetooth on it. Im a bit c**p when it comes to technical things like complex mobile phones so my mate turned it on and showed me what it does. One night in the pub, my phone lights up and says "receive file from Lisa?" or something so I thought, well, I dont know who Lisa is, but i'll accept it so I did. 2 minutes later my phoned said "open file", I hit yes and it was a mini porno!!
I have one of those Jabra ones (my phone isn't bluetooth compatible, so it is a "dongle" type one as you are planning on).

We tried it out and got it working as far away as (I would estimate) 20m, line-of-site. Doesn't sound as clear as holding the phone straight to your ear, but is certainly adequate for a phone call.

There is only one problem with them... I have noticed that men above a certain age around here like to wear their's all the time, walking out and about. Now, I don't know if it is because they are worried about losing it if they put it in their pocket after a call, or if it is because they get nostalgic about Captain Scarlett (how long before someone integrates a flip-down mic into a Captain Scarlett cap! ;) )... but for some reaon it just looks wrong! :LOL:

Of course, you could make yourself one of these or these.
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people who wear the bluetooth headsets when walking etc are just to damn lazy to hold the phone to their ear. i only use the bluetooth for my PDA to connect to the net, and for the hands free in my car
A delivery driver came to our shop once wearin one of them, having a phone conversation while he was opening up the back of the wagon, i didn't know if he was talking to me or his mate on the phone. very annoying. I got one once, but couldn't get it to stay on my ear. :(
AdamW said:
I have noticed that men above a certain age around here like to wear their's all the time, walking out and about.

I have seen that man, 55 yrs old, walking around a garden centre with his wife. I wonder what she thought about it. I must admit I encouraged my son to laugh at him :oops:

It makes me think of cyborgs. I really hope another gizmo comes out that you have to attach to part of your body so that it will be twice as amusing to see someone wearing the complete set. Having said that though, I wonder if early wristwatches were viewed the same way. Will we all be wearing bluetooth gear in a few years?
andrew2022 said:
people who wear the bluetooth headsets when walking etc are just to damn lazy to hold the phone to their ear.

You never had "hot-ear" after a long conversation? Anything to relieve that brain-fry-up every time the phone rings has gotta be a good thing.

It's not lazy, it's common sense to keep the thing away from your head as much as you can.

Unless you believe the Govt report that mobiles are not injurious to health that is.......
I was at a beer festival on Friday. Quite early in the evening there was this guy standing in the middle of the beer tent, swearing profusely, arguing about football... to himself.

Now, if he had a headset on, I might not have spotted he was actually a nutter...

How can we spot the real loonies if they can camouflage themselves amongst sane people by wearing BT headsets? ;)
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