Another cladding fire?

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands


Only a 6-storey block this time so 25 appliances may be enough.


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too early to say

do you want to guess?

I could be act like many on here and put on my building regulation hat and become an instant expert and say its the fault of stupid students or the immigrant delivering the takeout who threw his fag end into a bin.
Was this substandard cladding?

Not when it was first erected according to building regs .Admendment to building regs for NEW/or NEW CLADDING on properties was brought in , 2018/section 1230

Any way dont worry about it, the Fire Service and Firefighters will be blamed .
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I wonder how much progress the government has made in clearing up the hideous mess left by the failure to update Building Regulations in the last ten years?

Let me see....

"Up to 17,000 households still live in privately owned apartment blocks with dangerous cladding similar to the Grenfell Tower — despite a government scheme aimed at making the buildings safe. A £200m government fund was launched this year to replace cladding on these buildings but it has so far approved preliminary funding for just one tower despite aiming to pay the cost of replacing the material for almost half the 184 private sector blocks that need work.

Flammable cladding was blamed for the rapid spread of the catastrophic fire at Grenfell Tower, in which 72 people died two-and-a-half years ago. Government tests have since pinpointed more than 400 towers with the aluminium composite cladding systems used in Grenfell, of which 184 are privately owned."

Oh. Pretty f ing appalling. No change, then.
its not the flammable cladding thats the problem yes its a very dangerous fuel source like polystyrene or even wood but needs fire breaks to separate each area and floor so a part house or flat should be full insulated heat and fire wise but in practice fire barriers where missing and by "other practices working fine"where accepted as "good practices" into "passed construction methods"where no one had tested the actual combination off materials or actual situation where even basic commen sense or doubt would challenge the safety or logic off approving ever evolving configurations off instaulations without further testing
There is a lot of Chinese £money flowing into investment building of these student accomodation blocks. They are flying up in every university city.

Apart from the cladding we should also be looking very closely at the relaxed building regs they enjoy. They are all just waiting to happen & I have no doubt that someone somewhere has calculated how many fires / deaths / per annum to expect !

I am strongly opposed to any UK taxpayer funds being used now or in the future to subsidise putting them right & making them safe.

Shut them down. Shut them down NOW, we are killing our children.
I am strongly opposed to any UK taxpayer funds being used now or in the future to subsidise putting them right & making them safe.
No chance!

Education is simply a business...

Privatise the profit, socialise the debt!
Shut them down. Shut them down NOW, we are killing our children.

If only we lived in a country where the government could lay down enforcable standards for buildings.

We could call them the "Rules for places that are built" or something similar.

Perhaps we could employ someone with the responsibility to do that.

We could call him the "Minister for Homes" or something similar.

If we lived in such a country, then when a fatal fire occurred in a block of flats that had been clad in, say, laminated chipboard, which burns, then the responsible Minister could make sure that such materials were banned for such puroses.

Wouldn't that be a good idea?

It would probably be possible to change the rules in less than ten years.
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