Any plans to buy from the shops on Monday?

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
I have. I’ll be looking to buy as much as I possibly can from local shops from Monday onwards even if it’s a little bit more expensive. I know you should do that anyway but from now on, I will make a conscious effort to buy locally. We live within walking distance of two High Streets (Hornchurch and Upminster) and I would not like to see any of those little independent shops go under. Amazon has had enough of my money in the last three months.
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Nah. I don't even like going to the supermarket at the moment - sod going browsing around these days.
I wont be going near the shops, but good for you for wanting to support the little local independents.
I've been in the homeware type stores (The Range, B&M etc) that have been allowed to stay open a few times now and it's generally OK. The stores have sorted out queuing, sanitising, distancing, floor markings, screens etc pretty well and they're generally keeping the numbers of shoppers in the store right down. My only gripe is that they don't refuse entry to folks not wearing a face covering. Approx. 95% of people aren't.

I'm not doing supermarkets yet though, I didn't like it last time I was in a couple of months ago.
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Unfortunately the only shop we have in our village is a Post Office which does postal things, home made greetings cards and home made sandwiches/pies for the local farmers.

So it will be the usual weekly trip to the supermarket to stock up and mingling with the plebs who don't wear mask and gloves and can't follow direction arrows clearly marked on the floor. :(
Nah. I don't even like going to the supermarket at the moment - sod going browsing around these days.
Yeah, I won’t be browsing but if I have something I need to buy, it’ll be local first, Amazon second, China last!
Yeah, I won’t be browsing but if I have something I need to buy, it’ll be local first, Amazon second, China last!
I was going stir crazy yesterday and ventured out to home bargains for our mealworm for the hedgehogs (cheap place) and a trip to the garden centre. I thought it would make me feel better but I just came home agitated because shopping now is horrible on a whole new level!

But yes, local always good - I just don't see many local shops anymore. Takeaways/cafes yes but main shops are all the same old around here.
I visited my local motor factors yesterday - it was like going in to Reactor 3 at Chernobyl. Horrible :(
I phone my order ahead and wait at the door.
John :)
I visited my local motor factors yesterday - it was like going in to Reactor 3 at Chernobyl. Horrible :(
I phone my order ahead and wait at the door.
John :)
I’m thinking of going back in in July to do some light repairs - I have a few friends and relatives wanting their cars serviced. Furloughed on the education business until at least September so starting to get a tad restless. I always get my parts delivered. I have a few maintenance jobs to do on the workshop and might be safe to do them in a months time. One job is my yard gates need replacing. I have had all the materials since last year but was held up by the weather and general laziness and with my workshop being in Newham with the highest or maybe second highest Covid death rate and with the local inhabitants walking past hawking up and spitting (and that’s just the women), I’ll be a bit too close to them for comfort.
Hard graft and hard spending is what we need, soon get us back to "normal":D
Not Monday!

Been to Butchers and Morrisons today. Well actually Morrisons twice... Had orders for 3 houses but Morrisons silly tills can't cope with more than one subtotal! But in the end that was a benefit; first time round no Cauliflowers and the bread wanted was £1.35 a loaf. Second time round had cauliflowers and the bread had dropped in price to £0.27 - Result!

Tuesday will be a DIY barn.

Later next week - local tool/hardware/garden emporium but they have been open for weeks, think they closed for 3 weeks.
In Wales the 'non essential' shops are remaining closed as our Welsh Labour Govt are making a political point of not following Boris' plan. :(
In Wales the 'non essential' shops are remaining closed as our Welsh Labour Govt are making a political point of not following Boris' plan. :(

I think as you say, like Scotland, it's just being a bit different to avoid following the wicked Tories. Yours will probably be open within a week.
In Wales the 'non essential' shops are remaining closed as our Welsh Labour Govt are making a political point of not following Boris' plan. :(
What is borisconi's plan?

It seems to change from day to day and is merely 'aspirations'...

If the UK had decent leadership that hasn't dithered from the start then we'd be opening up in the same way as our more enlightened European neighbours are now doing!

That's why the UK is going to take the biggest hit!
our more enlightened European neighbours are now doing
Are our more enlightened European neighbours ignoring government advice and meeting up for marches, protests and demonstrations and spreading the virus further? Perhaps it’s the idiots who do this you should be running down rather than the Government? More spreading today I see. ****s.
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