As last, some strong sentences ...

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
... not.

Roll up roll up, take away the teenage years of numerous girls and potentially ruin the rest of their lives. You'll only get a few years in prison.

What a joke.

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Why the discrepancies in the sentencing?
One animal, (Korosi), raped once and sexually assaulted two others. He got 14 years.
Another, (Hanko), 3 rapes and one attempted got 9 years.
Nyari, 3 rapes, sexual assault, sexual activity and abduction. 7 years.

There is no consistency in the sentences and severity/number of times of the crimes.
In my opinion they should have all got life sentences with a minimum of 25-30 years with none of this namby-pamby treatment such as games/recreation etc. Take them to a rock quarry and make them break stones for building works. Implanted electronic tags so they can't take them off. If they attempt to take it off it explodes and blows their hand/arm/foot/leg, or whatever, right off and no prosthetic replacement.
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Why the discrepancies in the sentencing?

There is no consistency in the sentences and severity/number of times of the crimes.
In my opinion...
Let's see... a judge, with a career-long knowledge and expertise in the law, who knows the sentencing guidelines (and his/her flexibility in applying them) inside out; or a rando keyboard warrior. Who shall we trust to implement sentencing consistency? Mmm. Tough one.
Why the discrepancies in the sentencing?
One animal, (Korosi), raped once and sexually assaulted two others. He got 14 years.
Another, (Hanko), 3 rapes and one attempted got 9 years.
Nyari, 3 rapes, sexual assault, sexual activity and abduction. 7 years.

There is no consistency in the sentences and severity/number of times of the crimes.
In my opinion they should have all got life sentences with a minimum of 25-30 years with none of this namby-pamby treatment such as games/recreation etc. Take them to a rock quarry and make them break stones for building works. Implanted electronic tags so they can't take them off. If they attempt to take it off it explodes and blows their hand/arm/foot/leg, or whatever, right off and no prosthetic replacement.
I suppose we have to assume it's down to a variety of factors including the severity of crimes each committed, if able to prove a degree of coercion by others, all the stuff that defence lawyers will tap into.

As people will know from my other posts on these subjects, I do support much stronger sentencing including more whole life tariffs. However I don't subscribe to the rock breaking for 23 hours a day thing, never have. Not for one sec am I saying prison should be an easy ride, however for those that will eventually be released, whether we agree with it or not, there needs to be at least an attempt to rehabilitate so they aren't released even more twisted than when they went in.
What do we want here? Do we want white rapists to get shorter sentences, or longer sentences?
Or treat everybody the same? Looks like rape is 4-19 years, depending on circumstances.
Plenty of other stories about rape with similar sentences - nobody seems so bothered about those.

Remember, in the UK, a girl is more likely to be raped by a white man she knows than by anybody else. We need to focus on where the biggest threat is, and not get carried away with tabloid marketing.
Remember, in the UK, a girl is more likely to be raped by a white man she knows than by anybody else. We need to focus on where the biggest threat is, and not get carried away with tabloid marketing.
Public Warning!
Reason: Talking sense.

You've been warned.:)
Let's see... a judge, with a career-long knowledge and expertise in the law, who knows the sentencing guidelines (and his/her flexibility in applying them) inside out; or a rando keyboard warrior. Who shall we trust to implement sentencing consistency? Mmm. Tough one.

So can you speak to this judge, or any judge come to that, and ask them to explain why, on the basis of the information we have, 1 offender who committed rape once is given more of a sentence than 2 others who each committed rape THREE TIMES!
Why didn't those two also get at least the same 14 years as the first bloke.

I am not a keyboard warrior, as you imply. I am just someone who wants to know why there is such a variance in the sentences hand down for crimes of a similar nature.
As for my comments about rock quarries etc. That is my personal opinion on what these sort of people should face rather than being able to live on 3 square meals a day, a comfortable bed and all their needs catered for whilst pensioners and ex service men/women are fighting a daily battle to put food in their mouths and keep a roof over their head. If a prisoner gets hurt and needs hospital treatment he/she is taken there by a minimum of two people, he/she is given priority attention until it is diagnosed what treatment they require. If the treatment is not 'urgent' they will be taken to a separate 'waiting' area, usually a private room away from Joe public. Those pensioners I mentioned often have to make their own way to hospital if, after waiting heaven knows how long for an ambulance, they need help. They then get treated the same as a healthy, fit young person. i.e. told to sit down and wait to be seen by a triage nurse, "and oh by the way, the wait to see the nurse is currently 2 hours and to see a doctor a minimum of 4 hours." They don't tell you the 4 hour wait is AFTER the 2 hour wait to see triage. And whats the prisoner doing during all this? Well if he came in during mid morning he is probably back at the prison tucking into his 2 course lunch. :mad:
What do we want here? Do we want white rapists to get shorter sentences, or longer sentences?
Or treat everybody the same? Looks like rape is 4-19 years, depending on circumstances.
Plenty of other stories about rape with similar sentences - nobody seems so bothered about those.

Remember, in the UK, a girl is more likely to be raped by a white man she knows than by anybody else. We need to focus on where the biggest threat is, and not get carried away with tabloid marketing.
From my perspective, I'm not asserting sentencing should be stronger based on ethnicity. As I've said in other threads, from initial investigations of a crime being reported, all the way through the legal process, everyone should be treated with equal vigor.
Ethnicity played a part in how some of these grooming gangs got away with there crimes for so long
I don't disagree.

What I'm saying is, from start to finish when a crime is reported or discovered, the alleged perpetrator/s and victim/s should be treated equally by the authorities whether they're black, white, tall, short, thin, fat, male, female, of a particular religion or no religion.
I don't disagree.

What I'm saying is, from start to finish when a crime is reported or discovered, the alleged perpetrator/s and victim/s should be treated equally by the authorities whether they're black, white, tall, short, thin, fat, male, female, of a particular religion or no religion.

i would not disagree

equal treatment Hmmm

a person who makes an accusation of rape , remains anon

The person who is accused of the rape / assault is named ?
i would not disagree

equal treatment Hmmm

a person who makes an accusation of rape , remains anon

The person who is accused of the rape / assault is named ?
You're misinterpreting me slightly. Putting aside your (valid) point about being named vs anonymity, my point is when thinking about one side of this (the alleged rapist) and the other side (the alleged victim) within each of these, people should have the same amount of rigor and/or care provided throughout the process regardless of their skin colour, wealth, position in society, religion etc.
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