Ayanda Capital delivered £160m of unusable face masks - linked to Liz Truss

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
This stinks to high heaven.

Irrespective of party affiliations this stinks of corruption and malfeasance. Well I have donated towards the Good Law project.

Ayanda, connected to Liz Truss, delivered £160m of unusable face masks to the NHS in a contract that had remarkable and inexplicable clauses (which Govt refuses to explain) for a profit we believe to be substantially in excess of £50m

The Government awarded a PPE contract worth £252 million to Ayanda Capital Limited, a ‘family office’ owned through a tax haven in Mauritius, with connections to Liz Truss. It is the largest PPE contract we have seen to date.

Matt Hancock’s lawyers have now admitted they planned to enter into that contract with a £100 company wholly owned by Liz Truss’ adviser Andrew Mills and his wife. Mr Mills asked – and Government agreed – to enter into it with Ayanda instead because the £100 company (Prospermill Limited) didn’t have “international payment infrastructure.” Just how much has this arrangement prospered Mills?

In response to judicial review proceedings issued by Good Law Project, the Government has admitted that the 50 million FFP2 masks they purchased from Ayanda Capital – for a price that we calculate to be between £156m and £177m – “will not be used in the NHS” because “there was concern as to whether the[y]… provided an adequate fixing.



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Jo Maugham is doing good work.

It's astonishing how using nationalistic propaganda can provide a smokescreen for corruption.

Look at all the RWR frothing at the mouth over fishing, but not a single comment about Tories giving out bogus contracts to mates.

"What Tory corruption?.......quick look over there, brown people in boats"
Jo Maugham is doing good work.

It's astonishing how using nationalistic propaganda can provide a smokescreen for corruption.

Look at all the RWR frothing at the mouth over fishing, but not a single comment about Tories giving out bogus contracts to mates.

"What Tory corruption?.......quick look over there, brown people in boats"

Fishing is the proxy to their real goal of no limits state subsidies. Cummings grand vision is to use the state to create the next trillion dollar tech behemoth through investing in startups, deregulation and throwing billions at the tech sector.



It has never worked in the past and it won't work now but it will be billions thrown at his friends and associates.

The pejorative Londinistan perhaps was closer to the mark than intended not because of the racial makeup of London but the corrupt practices in Westminster.
If the masks don't meet NHS stringent standards, they should be made available to the general public now that masks are mandated in most scenarios.
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No. I dislike hypocrites who accuse others while being blatantly racist themselves. Just like Notchy.

"brown" is not a derogatory term. It is not a word rooted in oppression, exclusion, bigotry, or hatred of any kind at the social or institutional level. The term is value neutral. It holds no malice, or intent to harm. It is not a powerful reminder of disenfranchisement and racial divisions"

thats your hogwash debunked in 20 seconds flat

back to your drawing board, me Old Mucker
Sell them to the general public (at a vast profit). My local chemist was selling ffp1 masks at £15 for 2 a couple of months ago. Shocking.
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