Bad Day?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I sincerely hope you had a better Friday 13th than I did!

First, I had to have an emergency dental appointment in the morning only for the dentist to confirm that I have snapped a front tooth below the gumline.

How did I do it, I hear you ask? By crunching on some hard food? No.

The boys accidentally hitting me in the mouth? No.

I did it by yawning. Yes, you read that right. By yawning.

So I now have another dental appointment to fit a temporary denture. Yes, a denture at the grand old age of (nearly) 45. As if I didn't have enough medical woes already....

Never mind that the thing will cost over £200, for a temporary denture, on the NHS no less!

Oh well, let's stay optimistic. At least I'm still alive.

I booked a service for my van today. Almost as an afterthought, the guy asked if there was anything else that needed attending to at the same time. I mentioned a slight crunch moving from 1st to 2nd gears which began a few days ago. I told him I had given up using 2nd gear. He advised calling the RAC to check it out, and he told me to ring the service guy back and mention to them that he suspects that the syncromesh on 2nd has failed. Which I did. No problem, I was told, I'll put it on the list for the service.

This afternoon, the service guy rang and with a panicky voice told me that I must drive no further and must be recovered to the VW garage ASAP. So at around 1520, I duly rang and waited for the AA, the RAC having refused further assistance.They arrived at 1730.

I was relayed to the nearst VW van centre (Trafford Park) at 1830 only to find out it had shut at 1800. I rang the service guy to be advised that the AA were asked to take the van into secure storage if the garage was shut. No can do, says the AA patrol, but I'll take you and the van home.

Arrived home at 1915.

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If you think friday was a bad day, wait till the day they tell you how much the synchro on the van will cost.
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Sorry to hear that fella, my dental woes are this; You know you buy tinned potatoes, in brine in this country, they are soft, and require warming up? Not so when I was in Germany, can't read the instructions, heated gently, bit into one, hard as a rock, broke my tooth. Unwilling to get dental help in Germany (Did you see that film with the mad dentist 'Is it safe?'), got back to the UK, tooth duly ripped out.

Other tooth split, a while later, massive head aches, and tooth ache, take it easy on the food, nothing hard or crunchy, safe bet soup, with dipping bread, bit into soup covered bread, tooth goes CRACK! Soggy soft bread.

I suspect you will have a large headache when you get the bill for your gearbox repaired. Good luck!
sooey and MM:

Van is a 10 plate under warranty, so hopefully no worries there.

In any case, it's a lease vehicle....!


I truly am! I was born 10/08/66.

Just a bit miffed: it's another of those things that happens to you in middle age that you have to adjust to.

Hair loss, Tooth loss, Loss of eyesight, Loss of hearing, ED, etc..

Mind you, the first and the last don't apply to me........famous last words!!

MM: My mum cracked a tooth eating a granary bread sandwich. The dentist said it was incredibly common to break a tooth eating "grainy" bread.

And I thought granary bread was supposed to be good for you!