Ban all immigration from outside EU

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
Not here, in France. Looks like Michel Barnier sees the 'populist' route as his best shot at the Presidency, or perhaps the situation in France is as bad as I thought.

France should suspend all immigration from outside EU for up to five years, Michel Barnier says (

France should suspend all immigration from outside the EU for up to five years and push the bloc to toughen its external borders, Michel Barnier has said.

The EU’s former chief Brexit negotiator, who is thought to be considering a tilt at the French presidency, said the European Union’s external frontier had become a “sieve”.

“I think we have to take the time for three or five years to suspend immigration,” he told public broadcaster France 2.

Mr Barnier said any suspension should exclude students and refugees, “who we need to treat with humanity and care”.

He called for a discussion with other EU member states about making the bloc’s external border “more rigorous”.

And the French politician claimed there were “links” between immigration and “terrorist networks that infiltrate migrational flows”.
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Excellent news.

But according to the Wail and the Express, the EU is 'on the brink' or some such so the frontier you talk about is about to dissolve?

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But but but ... how can they do that? They are in the EU. We had to leave to take back control of our borders ... or were we lied to by the Eton Elite that are laughing all the way to the bank?
Brexit isn't going's why brexers are so obsessed with Europe.
Populism has that effect yes. It's a winning formula. It doesn't matter whether they tell the truth either as long as you target and convince the right kind of voter.
Tell that to Kier. He should bear that in mind come the next election providing he’s still around and Rainer hasn’t stuck the knife in before then. :LOL:
2000 have landed in Italy

apparently there are some thing like 50000 to 75000 waiting to cross from Libya to Italy

EU have abandoned Italy

The garlic munchers don’t want to know that scoundrel macrin has an election looming ;)
Clever way of stopping Marine Le Pen though, adopt her policies. Cunning.
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