14 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
I hope you like this one:-

I recently visited my local B & Q for some one coat plaster (my build merch ran out `cos twit forgot to reorder).

Heard a real noise and walked past B & Q empolyee with pallet truck holding bundles of 15mm copper pipe (bundle wraps removed) waist high then dropping them on floor, on top of each other bundle after bundle ad infinitum.

I congratulated said employee for his forward thinkng and suggested a large notice on shelf "PRE VANDILISED COPPER PIPE for public loo installations" - no need to vandalise it as its been done prior installation, in fact why did he not go the whole hogg and bend each piece over his knee just for completness? I suggested he should get an award " Steel Toe Cap up backside award".
He shrugged completly oblivious.
I then thought "Ban All Sheds"
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I must stress loudly


If you are a true tradesman an have accounts at merchants to your trade you are KING ..
Ive been to bathroom merchants /Trade / ONLY
where I have to fight my way to a counter as the DIYer is there saying ,

"yeah Im self employed ,like an I want discount on this suite , "

on asked about repeat trade they get all shirty /shouty ... stupid /tw*t s

Let them use the SHEDS .......F&CK EM ..

the 2hours they spend asking at the counter how to plumb this an that makes my blood boil ...

an as for the tile warehouses that are trade only ...

I am swatting away families an kids to get my mud an tiles ...

when asked at counters they all appear to be time served . (lol,lol,,lol,,lol) tilers,

an want 20% off as well .....
everyone at my T merchants are shown the door ..

as for tilers ,the lil mark up on buying customer tiles is what makes it worth while for the mud buying /making /donkey work

I still charge £15 a square /m for tiling Normal tiles ,goes too £25 sq/m for fancy designs an mosaic work
an I only get the few ar*eholes who want it done for nowt ,who get blanked ..

anyway dont ban the sheds ... keep the families there an diy ar*eholes there ....

when being a tradesman is your living ...I wouldnt come to your work about say , a pc problem ,roaming around your IT offices an demanding some one has a look at my h/drive , lol ...

or if you work for the civil service say in benefits , an I come an barge thru the doors Fack your quere (sp ? )policiy an demand you look at my pension forecast when that is a Northeast /Newcastle Pension lot ...
you wouldnt be happy if I got threatening an abusive INSIDE THE OFFICES FACE/FACE... NO ... quite right ..

but merchants get this oFf Joe Public all the time a good article about it in Iphe this month ..
And!! have you seen the way they throw kitchen unit doors etc about :eek: My job had 10 chipped/ blemished doors. In hurry to get paid sooo ended up goin round 3 seperate b&q's as cusomers were elderly.
each store we ended up opening up countless boxes as I insisted on checking and, most of them were chipped on corners etc. The young lad in the last store said we seem to get a lot of this :rolleyes: as he clumsily leant two doors corner to floor first, against a pallet of doors which probly resulted in damaging the ends of doors on pallet.
When I moaned they just said dont worry just bring any Item back :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
are you a Kitchen fitter ? or just diyer .....?

sorry for asking but if tradesman you get the Proper service at a Kitchen sheds ...

at Diy/sheds you're NOTHING ...even if you were a lottery winner .... they couldnt care less ... an you would RECIEVE damaged/faulty /so what attitude .. service ..
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I had a kitchen from MFI delivered... bits were broken. I had to start quoting consumer law before they replace the damaged bits (run over by forklifts, I had to point out it isn't possible to accidentally damage 18mm carcasses unless you have a penchant for hitting things with a 4lb hammer)

I went in a "trade counter" joinery place recently. They would ONLY serve to tradesmen, they only served me because I knew exactly what I wanted. The guy was really nice, lots of winking to let me know when I should be saying "Yes". You can't blame them, serving the public generally gets you a greater number of stupid questions than serving trade (I remember a t**t insisting on cutting his timber to length with a tenon saw and mitre block, millimetre perfect instead of just getting his length PLUS a centimetre or so of scrap :rolleyes: ).
only "good" thing about sheds is they are open at ridiculous times when you run out of that 1 last piece of the jigsaw puzzle you need. Costs extra, but its worth it not to have to go back another day (i know we all plan out the materials, but things go wrong!)

I agree with mozs comments, thank god that the public go there. I can walk in my trade places, they all know me by name and vice versa, i have a good relationship due to the amount i spend with them, and they will bend over backwards to help me. We have a friendly haggle, they dont offload crap onto me, and replace anything thats broken
Well i started work as a Fabricater/welder and did various assosiated types of work untill i ended up making furniture/kitchens and now fire surrounds.

I did work for myself which was strictly trade only and ended up waiting 3 months for my money and sometimes only got it because i turned up ready to kill as the factory was being emptied ( gone bust ).

One thing i found with furniture/kitchens/firesurrounds is cash is king, and if somebody has the money or even cash in their hands waiting for you, then all other scruples go out the window---------doesnt happen like that with trade though so i dumped them.
Moz said:
are you a Kitchen fitter ? or just diyer .....?


Time seved moany painter moz m8. Done anything since tho, maintenance at Bryants so had to be multiskilled :LOL: :LOL: Even welded gas pipes in a factory once lol (licenced bloke never turned up soo boss sed do that TRU) But last 25yrs self employed down here in darkest dorset mainly decorating and jobbing. Splicing in new timber/ cladding/ gutter/ window,occasional kitchen refit,bathroom etc etc. why am i so ****ed off with ODPM????. I prefer to call meself multiskilled :LOL: :LOL: tho spose some on here might say cowboy. But as I never have to advertise and booked up to jan and beyond i feel i mite be doing something rite.

I did have big ideas once upon a time but early 90's reccesion left a nasty hole in me wallet. so happy to plod along on me own let customers buy large items so i dont go into vat!
I'm confused... it says I made that post on Saturday, but I'm sure I made it ages ago. I went to a beer festival yesterday and had a foggy for most of today, please tell me that I really, honestly didn't post that on the 27th of August. Or I have some serious time-dilation going on. :eek:
no that definetly appeared yesterday adam.....must have been good beer! :LOL: :LOL:
AdamW said:
I'm confused... Or I have some serious time-dilation going on. :eek:
.....................................NO its bladder-dilation :eek: :eek:
ebee said:
Heard a real noise and walked past B & Q empolyee with pallet truck holding bundles of 15mm copper pipe (bundle wraps removed) waist high then dropping them on floor, on top of each other bundle after bundle ad infinitum.

I congratulated said employee for his forward thinkng and suggested a large notice on shelf "PRE VANDILISED COPPER PIPE for public loo installations" - no need to vandalise it as its been done prior installation, in fact why did he not go the whole hogg and bend each piece over his knee just for completness? I suggested he should get an award " Steel Toe Cap up backside award".
Don't be too harsh on him - pallet trucks are not his area of expertise - he's normally to be found in the electrical aisles....



confidentincompetent said:
he clumsily leant two doors corner to floor first, against a pallet of doors which probly resulted in damaging the ends of doors on pallet.
Surely you've seen his brother as well? Works in the supermarket, and puts apples on the shelves as if he were emptying bags of coal.

(When he's not tossing bunches of bananas onto the shelves from 6' away....)
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