Bang, bang - bang, as they drive in.

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
Around here, we are on dense clay. Many of the locals have had slabs laid for their drives, soon after they are laid, the weight of cars being driven on them, causes them to rock when they are driven on. One house very close, has had the slabs move so far, that the edges stick up over 2", a real trip hazard . and laid by a supposed pro.. The pro has been back a couple of times, trying to resolve the issue, but failed.

What brings this to mind, is another neighbour, who had a drive laid just two months ago and already they are back, trying to address the wobbling slabs and working today, Sunday of all days..

Luckily, I opted for concrete for my main drive, which is driven on regularly. Towards the rear, where I park the caravan and for paths, I have had reasoble success with slabs laid direct on the small covering of the clay, with just soil.
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Slabs on clay is surely asking for trouble on a drive. There are some -
People Invoking Kaos In Every Situation
who go round trying that sort of thing.
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