Beating the blockade - AKA Operation GTFO

3 Sep 2006
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West Mids
United Kingdom
We tried to beat the blockade and escape to France this morning, before things got really serious down at Aldi. Bloke down the [take-away] pub sold us a boat for cash and said "it will be easy mate, there's no security on the French border". Damn liar.

The bloody French were out in force and absolutely made sure no illegals were getting in, (although we did see others coming the other way) however they did call us a taxi-boat service (0800 MUGS is the number apparently), and this firm turned up to collect us despite our protests.

They brought us back, flung us in the Dorchester Hotel - where we are stuck for few months and can't even spend the money they loaded onto our free credit cards.

A lawyer came and I tried to show them my passport so that they can let us go, and he looked shocked - told me to throw it away quick. WTF? Now I'm left with just a load of other claim forms to fill in, and 'helpful' people who just don't want us to leave now we are here.

What a miserable Christmas. :(

This was taken by a Guardian reporter in another boat, said he will try and get us into Lilly Allen's gaff. I told him to **** right off.

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Looking on the bright side, the interruption to cross-channel movement couldn't have come at a better time.

We've all been expecting it, for the last four years, and have laid in good stocks of food, fuel, medicines, rubber gloves, surgical masks, brandy, wine, Belgian chocolate, animal feed, croissants, spare parts for boilers etc

It did come ten days earlier than expected, but the date had already changed three or four times, so no real surprise.

I was a bit disappointed we haven't finished concreting over Kent yet, for the lorry parks. It seems construction was thrown off schedule because it rains in winter, and nobody knew.

We just have to implement the strategic plan and issue the ration cards.





I was dumbfounded yesterday anyway at Boris's "solitary lorry driver sitting in his cab is a very low risk" comment. But when his blatant lie about 500 lorries reduced to 170 became obvious when the BBC reported last night, that it wasn't 500, nor 170, it was 900, then this this morning they corrected that to 1,500, (just at Dover!), I am even more convinced that Boris is a blatant liar, or he is completely out of his depth and has no idea of what is really happening on the ground.
I had already heard on French news that it was 3,000 but I didn't catch whether that referred to all ports or just Dover.

Additionally, the news reports showed lorry drivers out of their cabs, standing in groups talking!
Hmmph! So much for solitary lorry drivers sitting in their cabs!. (Do these cabs have toilet and kitchen facilities these days? :rolleyes: )

Moreover, when Boris claimed he'd been talking to Macron, and it would all be sorted in a few hours, who do think you are kidding, Mr Johnson?

I think it would be so funny if the EU had tipped the wink to Macron and said "ppppsss, close the borders with UK, Give 'em a taste of what a No Deal Brexit will look like, put the pressure on them, just for a few days, then we'll come up with a longer term EU-wide plan."
Over 4 years for the UK to 'take back control' of it's borders...

The Europeans did it with a few hours notice...

Now there is efficiency for you (y)
The way things are panning out, the only way we will be able to get in and out of Europe will be by rubber dinghy in the dead of night.
I will try Ebay for one, just in case.
for you, just walk across the border.
But best not use the services of a friendly UK based Irish, Romanian, Albanian, *ian (AKA foreign) national who offers the use of a sealed container - however many time he has said he has done it before and got through lax customs at Calais. :rolleyes:

As by all accounts its much easier for the French to stop people getting in across the channel, than getting out. Strange dat.
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