benefits / pension

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
Cant they stagger pension and benefit payments across the 5 working days of the week?

I went into the town centre today, and I couldnt move for prams and old people!

I went through M&S (didnt buy anything). Following a couple of oldies to the exit (place was crowded, couldnt pass them). They got through the door, stopped dead in the sheltered area and started rifling through their bags for umbrellas. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and 20 other people trying to leave! The world doesnt stop so they dont have to get wet ffs.

Then I was in a bank and every 2nd customer was a chav with a buggy. I didnt think these people could get bank accounts. :rolleyes:
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Cant they stagger pension and benefit payments across the 5 working days of the week?
I would complain if I were you............ :rolleyes:
I went into the town centre today, and I couldnt move for prams and old people!
Disgraceful of them to hinder your progress...... :rolleyes:
I went through M&S (didnt buy anything). Following a couple of oldies to the exit (place was crowded, couldnt pass them). They got through the door, stopped dead in the sheltered area and started rifling through their bags for umbrellas. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and 20 other people trying to leave! The world doesnt stop so they dont have to get wet ffs.
So you used M&S as a walk through, and complain of people shopping...... :rolleyes:

Then I was in a bank and every 2nd customer was a chav with a buggy. I didnt think these people could get bank accounts. :rolleyes:
God forbid that the lower classes have a life........ :rolleyes:
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Have a google for USA sub prime

:idea: and stop drinking in the street ;)