Best excuse for a drink ever

I am no scientist but if this gadget does in fact work - even if it only produces a minimal amount of electricity think of the implications on a global scale. Instead of our urine being flushed away towns and cities could hook up all the toilets to a bigger more sophisticated model of this which could provide power. If you take London for example which has a population of around 8,174,100 people and the average person wees around 1.5 litres a day then thats 12,261,150 litres per day. Think of the amount of electricity that would equate too?

It would make more sense to convert all of the urine into fertilizer and thus reduce the energy consumption involved in artifical fertilizers. Same goes for all the other "stuff" we currently flush away too.
?This whole thing is just like the petrol from air thread we had recently. Huge amounts of energy in and a lot less coming out.
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