Best way to map drain pipes under block paving?

22 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Hi guys,

Before I purchased my house some genius decided to demolish the original garage and install a smaller concrete prefab garage, but below ground level so it floods, set further back than the original garage, and the guttering from the garage roof goes to a water butt which keeps over flowing with the amount of rain we get.

My neighbours original garage which is right next to mine has the guttering going to a drain at the entrance. Because my garage has been set a bit further back my drain looks to have been filled with dirt and a wall has been build directly over it, but the recess is still visible (see pics).

I want to install drainage for my garage to stop if from flooding and give somewhere more permanent for the guttering to go, in planning this i am trying to figure out where the drains run so i know where to connect, or see if the blocked drain at the front of the garage is still connected.
As you can see in the pics the entire area has been block paved over, including down the driveway to the main road, and into my back garden,so I have absolutely no idea how the drainage goes. Some of my neighbours have man hole covers on their drives, some dont, I dont either.

The only areas of access I have to the drain system is via the soil pipe at the back of the house, or the drain where my gutter goes also at the back of the house (as seen in the pics). The building survey when I purchased the house said the drains are both fresh water and sewage.

What would be the best way to map out where the drains run? I was thinking of purchasing a £200 20m drain camera off ebay and feeding it down the soil pipe, the only concern I have is getting the camera around any bends in the drain system, Im thinking the first bend at the bottom of the soil pipe will be ok but when I reach a second bend im worried the camera cable wont make it around. Anybody have any better solutions?

PS I dont like hiring equipment, im the kind of guy where if i have a few hours free one afternoon ill crack on with the job, it could be tomorrow, it could be next week, with work I cant really plan so it makes hiring equipment difficult so I prefer to purchase if not too expensive.

Many thanks.
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Work out the line of the drains from the position of the manholes and gulleys etc.

Drains will run across the front, or across the back, and then you will have straight runs from your connections.

Or ask the water company for a sewer plan.

You will need building regulations and water company permission for any new connections, but they may not grant it instead require a soakaway.
Cant see the pics? Could be worth digging out the blocked drain at the front, get it jetted out if need be, and see if that is still connected to anything. Shoving a camera down the pipework may give you a beautiful idea of the condition of the pipework, but could also confuse the hell out of you as to where anything actually runs.... If you want to know exactly, look at Sonar drain tracing kits, put the sender down the pipe and the receiver will help you map the route on the surface. Depending on area, I dont know how much the water Co's plans would show, ours are often very vague when it comes down to the smaller stuff around properties.

Depending on the age of the property, you may have 'combined' or 'separate' systems of drainage. If separate, then highly unlikely you will be allowed to connect a rainwater drain to the sewer, only a connection to the rainwater system or a soakaway would be permitted.
Sorry for the lare reply ive been a busy bee lol. I managed to get a quote off the water company for the maps, they wanted £40, then i remembered i paid for them when i purchased the property (pic attached). They dont dont really show me much. Where you can see the lines crossing the properties on my road (im 176) they are the only manholes on my row on their front drives.

I also forgot to attach the pictures in the first post , attached now including the sewer map.

I did try to dig out the blocked drain however its a bit of a pain as the wall is directly over it. I will try getting the jetwash on it. I did order the camera it should get here today.

It is a shared water and fowl drain.



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The camera helped massivley i now pretty much know exactly where all the drains run now. Sadly the drain i was looking at wasnt connected.
It was just a cheap one off ebay. If you google eyoyo drain camera you should see it.

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