Bin Lid is no more...

Please note that i have not made ONE insulting remark to anyone in this thread and am just offering an opinion of my own that doesn't involve


yet the same group continue to make insulting remarks about me and 1 other simply because we do not share THEIR viewpoint

You sound like those SHARIA LAW guys yourselves THINK like we THINK or else

Sadly in order to defend freedom of speech for the majority must resist those minorities who are against it. |Even though that may seem an oxymoron sadly that's how it works.) There is little sense in defending their freedom of speech in the short term if their known ultimate aim is to remove everybody Else's. Your argument (for what it's worth) is poorly defined and rather idealistically juvenile. It's sweet in it's simplicity but it remains schoolboy level of idealogy none the less.

We have had several world wars to defend peace. Innocent people died on both sides but as a result the majority of the world remains free. If we had chosen to follow the path you appear to champion then that would have ended many years ago

It's called the greater good..

I dont need the boring patronising lecture and the Wars you are referring to presumably WW1 and WW2 cannot be compared to the situation we find ourselves in today largely as a fault of our own greed for the resources of other countries that we have often been the agressor in to suit our own aims.

WW2 for example was a united stand against an aggressor which very clearly and ACTIVELY set out to conquer the world to its viewpoint in OPEN WARFARE.

This is an entirely different situation altogether, people spout all kinds of BS they have right to do so.

If they ACT on it thats a different matter and then a measured and appropriate response is required to deal with it.

As for previous WWs yes we survived them I very much DOUBT we would survive another
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Please note that i have not made ONE insulting remark to anyone in this thread and am just offering an opinion of my own that doesn't involve


yet the same group continue to make insulting remarks about me and 1 other simply because we do not share THEIR viewpoint

You sound like those SHARIA LAW guys yourselves THINK like we THINK or else

Sadly in order to defend freedom of speech for the majority we must resist those minorities who are against it. (Even though that may seem an oxymoron sadly that's how it works.) There is little sense in defending their freedom of speech in the short term if their known ultimate aim is to remove everybody Else's. Your argument (for what it's worth) is poorly defined and rather idealistically juvenile. It's sweet in it's simplicity but it remains schoolboy level of ideology none the less.

We have had several world wars to defend peace. Innocent people died on both sides but as a result the majority of the world remains free. If we had chosen to follow the path you appear to champion then that would have ended many years ago

i myself do not advocate the mass slaughter of innocents but whilst it's a difficult call those who protect and harbour those who 'fight the good fight' are culpable and perhaps accountable too

It's called the greater good..

Unfortunately wars are not fought for peace or freedom anymore , the greater good nowadays seems to be keeping the oil flowing west at whatever cost, I doubt the 17 or so thousand innocent men women and children killed in Afghanistan to date could be convinced they gave their lives for a greater good.
When people ask ''what exactly are we doing there?'' because nobody seems to know for sure you have to wonder.
Its a difficult world, we live in bad times.
Yet Spacer this is an overt claim to make war.
Many use banners to indicate muslim will take over the world. Use overt and covert methods to this end.
What more indication do you need that others from abroard and now second generation want to take over this and other countries.
Time to weed all of them out and either deport them or use harsher methods. Like today for instance.
that bloke has paddy blood so any thing that undermines the UK is ok in his book.
spacey is just a renegade without a brain. :mrgreen:

Your talking the ****, you must be. Your more of a paddy than i am , paddy. :LOL:
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And just to make a point, Americans and others were god to celebrate the death of this cretin.
All the supporters of him did the same with attackes on our way of life. Time to show them we relish their demise as weel, if not better.

They want their own kingdom, sod off go there. leave our countries go forth and multiply elsewhere and stop taking our taxes and homes.

In fact just FO.
Yet Spacer this is an overt claim to make war.
Many use banners to indicate muslim will take over the world. Use overt and covert methods to this end.
What more indication do you need that others from abroard and now second generation want to take over this and other countries.
Time to weed all of them out and either deport them or use harsher methods. Like today for instance.

Thats paranoia right there.
How can a handful of people take over an entire country? Its almost as if you feel threatened by them.
You wont wake up one day and find you have to wear a turban and pray to the east or what ever three times a day , it just wont happen.
See , you can relax now. ;)
Yet Spacer this is an overt claim to make war.
Many use banners to indicate muslim will take over the world. Use overt and covert methods to this end.
What more indication do you need that others from abroard and now second generation want to take over this and other countries.
Time to weed all of them out and either deport them or use harsher methods. Like today for instance.

Thats paranoia right there.
How can a handful of people take over an entire country? Its almost as if you feel threatened by them.
You wont wake up one day and find you have to wear a turban and pray to the east or what ever three times a day , it just wont happen.
See , you can relax now. ;)

You missed the point, so you relax ehh!
How can a handful of people take over an entire country?

It's called breeding.

Exactly, I know personally of one man who has children by 4 "wives". Outbreeding will be our downfall.

If it ends up there is more of them than you , then you will be the minority so you will become the problem.

Your problem is large sectiions of YOUR population who do actually re produce are practually Bovine in their thinking and intellect
Keep the insults coming Spacker.
Just try and make them witty at least because your getting really really boring.

What would "My" population be then?
As your being so insightful?
Yet Spacer this is an overt claim to make war.
Many use banners to indicate Muslim will take over the world. Use overt and covert methods to this end.
What more indication do you need that others from abroad and now second generation want to take over this and other countries.
Time to weed all of them out and either deport them or use harsher methods. Like today for instance.

Thats paranoia right there.
How can a handful of people take over an entire country? Its almost as if you feel threatened by them.
You wont wake up one day and find you have to wear a turban and pray to the east or what ever three times a day , it just wont happen.
See , you can relax now. ;)

Hitler was a small time upstart easily dismissed by those in power as an irrelevance. He used freedom of speech and democracy to remove the very self same thing. Some believe they can look at those Islamic radical banners and dismiss them the self same but history shows we ignore them at OUR peril.

You may be right..but what happens if you're wrong?

And therein lies the rub
Keep the insults coming Spacker.
Just try and make them witty at least because your getting really really boring.

What would "My" population be then?
As your being so insightful?

What insult?

have i called you a childish name.............Spacker?

You are the one who referred to 'OUTBREEDING WILL BE OUR DOWNFALL'
who are OUR? surely you mean some group of people of which YOU belong being outbred?

You know i have tried to have some semblance of a discussion in this post but if you inist on joining in with the REALLY BORING TIRED weak jokes on my name please desist its getting really really old
Play the innocent as per usual.
Wonder how long until your friends the mods turn up.
Thats even more boring,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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