Bitdefender Query

11 Jan 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi folks

I have Bitdefender and it has just found "Trojan Phishing MH" in my email.

How can I delete these?

I have the window that says "Threats were found"


When you select "take proper actions", a message pops up infection has been found, we recommend you remove these.....


Click yes and nothing seems to happen, you get the previous window.
Click on the hyperlink and you get this:


But you can't copy them or see the full address to remove them manually. And I can't see they have been quarantined either as the quarantine vault is showing as empty.

I know nothing has happened because this is the third time I have run a system-wide scan and the threats are still highlighted at the end of each scan, despite what I do.

Am I doing something wrong?

Or is this Trojan protecting itself from removal?

Can anybody help?

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You have been a member for 5,534 days.
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.. just saying :whistle:

If yer legit.... post back with more details.. ie.. for a start: what O/S yer using, what browser, what add-ons, what AV, etc, etc....
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If I'm legit?

I can see how alert you are: if you read the post instead of my stats, you'd see what AV I am using and my email client for starters.
Do I get the impression you think I am here for nefarious purposes?

Hawk, empip, eric and Bodd who all appear on the first page of this sub forum can all attest that I am not.
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Fiskrond, you're a new member. What gives you the right to suggest that someone who has been a member for fifteen years is not 'legit'?

I have known Securespark, on this forum at least, for a long time and can assure you that he is indeed 'legit'.

SS, I'm afraid I know nothing about Bitdefender so have no idea. Hopefully, a more knowledgeable member will be along soon to offer advice.
Thanks fellas. Just this minute installed MWB. No threats found. So I am doing a full rescan with Bitdefender and if it finds anything, I'll click on your link and go from there.
Do I get the impression you think I am here for nefarious purposes?

Hawk, empip, eric and Bodd who all appear on the first page of this sub forum can all attest that I am not.

Soz.. was in a filthy mood.. I apologise unreservedly..:oops:

The virus seem to be in your email... therefore separate to your system files. I note that in the selection box it states 'No Action Taken'. What are the options in this box? It looks like BitDefender has already identified them as potentially malicious BEFORE opening and has quarantined them pending YOUR input.
If you actually OPEN those emails I should imagine you will activate the nasties... you don't want to do that!!

As has already been suggested... MalwareBytes
I have always found MWB to be a solid performer. When you first install you'll get a 30day Premium Trial.. after which it will revert to the 'Free' version. The 30day trial should pull any nasties out, and when it reverts to the 'free' version, that will keep any new nasties getting onto system. When the trial expires you will get some nagware saying no longer fully protected blah blah... don't worry, the basic version is still running in the background. If in doubt, just uninstall completely (Ccleaner) and re-install the 30day premium trial version.

BitDefender not the best AV out there.... free or paid.
Avast bought out MWB so works alongside no problem. Just get the free Avast and you should be secure.
Strangely, Avast also bought out AVG.. but for some reason there are conflicts between MWB and AVG...

Google Chrome is based on Chromatic... they are not the same thing. As such, any browser based on Chromatic should run any add-ons from the Google Play store... I personally use Vivaldi.
Add the following from Google Play:
i) I don't care about cookies
ii) Nano Adblocker
iii) Nano Defender - works in conjunction with ii)
iv) optional... Disable HTML5 reloaded

Been using the above on XP, Win7-32 and 64 for years without problem.
Give the above set-up a try and report back.. :)
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Welcome to the noob, he hath woken up with less of a head on :)

Re your web browser, if you use Internet Explorer stop now, if you use its replacement stop now. (it's so full of holes it's ridiculous.)
If you use Chrome then is must be updated to higher than version 72.0.3626.121 as there is a exploit for previous versions.

BTW, how do you access your emails? what program do you use? (are they online or downloaded locally?)
BTW Who is this SS persona cropping up for years about the place ?? :confused: :)
Cheers, matey. Knew I could rely on you...(y)
I have also downloaded SASW & MWB and between them they have rid the system of the Trojan.Phishing MH.

Soz.. was in a filthy mood.. I apologise unreservedly..:oops:
Apology accepted!

FR, I deleted a few iffy looking emails before running MWB, SASW and then a Bitdefender full scan. I did this three times before BD came back with nothing.
Regarding the emails highlighted by BD, if you choose a "take action" option, it would ask if you want to quarantine them. I clicked yes, but nothing happened on the screen and when I went to the quarantine vault, it was empty.... Puzzled about that.

matty, I stopped using IE when XP went west! But I have used Edge. I don't like it (and detest Bing) but use it occasionally (as I do Safari) because some pages don't work as they should in Firefox (my preferred browser).

I use Thunderbird for email. Occasionally, I use Plusnet's webmail to access mailboxes directly on the server.

What I need now is something to put spam in a separate folder. BD seems to ID and mark up spam, but it is left in the inbox.
BitDefender not the best AV out there.... free or paid.
Avast bought out MWB so works alongside no problem. Just get the free Avast and you should be secure.
Strangely, Avast also bought out AVG.. but for some reason there are conflicts between MWB and AVG...

Google Chrome is based on Chromatic... they are not the same thing. As such, any browser based on Chromatic should run any add-ons from the Google Play store... I personally use Vivaldi.
Add the following from Google Play:
i) I don't care about cookies
ii) Nano Adblocker
iii) Nano Defender - works in conjunction with ii)
iv) optional... Disable HTML5 reloaded

Been using the above on XP, Win7-32 and 64 for years without problem.
Give the above set-up a try and report back.. :)
I'm running Win 10 Home at the moment. Used AVG for yonks, but changed because of the odd conflict and the fact that Bitdefender seemed to offer more, plus, at the time, general opinion on the net was that it was a good choice. I started on Norton which I found atrocious.

I will look at Vivaldi.
As for the stuff from Google Play, I can only access that on my phone. Can you get the same from MS?

Just get the free Avast and you should be secure.
I am Secure!
Re. anti-virus, I just rely on Windows 10's in built Defender (and firewall) and (touch wood) have never had any problems. Of course, I'm careful where I go on t'Internet.

I supplement this with CCleaner and Malwarebytes - both free of course!
Having searched "Best Anti Virus Software", it looks like this site are not keen on Avast as they try to install lots of potentially unwanted stuff:’s-the-best-antivirus-for-windows-10-is-windows-defender-good-enough/

I don't recall any issues with Avast trying to install PUPs... but then again I always check the 'custom' installation of anything I download.. and untick any 'make google your default blah blah' or 'try our bonus free gift product' as a matter of procedure...

For years Avast and AVG have consistently topped the lists of best FREE anti-virus.. I don't even look at the paid versions. The whole business model is based on 'many monkeys'... which enables the zero-day support for the paid versions which tend to be used by small businesses without an IT dept running FAR more robust server systems (usually *nix based).

I can't offer any advice on Win8 or Win10 as hell will freeze over before I start using corporate spyware (disguised as for my 'benefit and convenience')... I have recently started using Lubuntu so as to prepare for the EOL of Win7 due in 2020. I'm not saying that Lubuntu is the best version of Linux.. but I can sorta get my head around it.. menus are similar to Win-XP which eases the learning curve somewhat..
Likewise... email clients are a blank to me... I've been using Hotmail for about 20yrs.. does me fine... and it pulls out spam/worse without me having had to set up any parameters...

Very few virii around these days.. no money in it... the big money is in identity theft, phishing & spoof web-pages.. THAT's where you gotta be careful.

Check out 'The Register' (El Reg).... website for IT industry professionals.. ;)... on a good day I understand some of it.. :LOL: .. they were the one's that blew the hole on the Spectre flaw regarding Intel CPUs....

Also, have a look at using 'Duckduckgo' as default search engine.. other than Bing, etc.. ;)

*I go allover the net, the setup I have suggested even picks up nasties in torrents from PirBay before they've even fully downloaded.. not that it happens often.. they are usually false-positives anyway due to the way the program has been *ahem* adjusted to work in the event of losing ones original product-key... *ahem*ahem*

^recommend Qbittorrent for ad-free downloading... doesn't have ads assuring me that there are just tons and tons of stunning girls just gagging for it all living within a mile of my house. 99% of the girls living within one mile of my house are 'stunning' as in reverse Darwinism... you aint seen anything like it... o_O
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