Black taxis matter

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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If you look at the accounts of similar organisations e.g. the Activist who runs Sista space - it's simply a matter of presentation. Lawful fees for services vs embezzlement. Very fine line.
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But how could anybody take notice of a known troll who is only interested in furthering himself as the man that knows everything.
Are you telling me that you didn't read my post before making your criticism?
That figures.
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I dislike crooks like this as much as anybody, but I can't help thinking 2 1/2 years nick is a bit steep for £30k, when violent crims often get less

The powers that be don't like it when the masses start grabbing for themselves. That's their territory, and they don't like us encroaching. They can come down surprisingly hard when it happens. They're not quite so concerned when they start battering each other.
Still ruffled.
I'm looking after a friend's parrot, currently.
Its name is Polly, but I'm calling it gant due to its tendency to repeat phrases ad infinitum.
I'm trying to teach it some new phrases so it can hold discussions with the gant on here.
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