Boom - There go your worker rights

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Amusingly weak provisions on workers' rights - not so much a non-regression clause as a "non-regression, unless the minister wants regression" clause. Expect this is designed to be amended.

The hardest thing to do quickly is to work out whether the government is trying to take excessively extensive and wide powers to make law by ministerial fiat without proper scrutiny, or the powers are carefully circumscribed and go no further than necessary.

Just sold your kids and your grandkids down the river.


Singapore On The Thames fantasy here we come.
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twitter, LOL.

Sad to say you are messed in the head that even when Experts on the subject are pointing out how your kids will have less rights than you, you laugh. When your kids grow up and get sacked for no reason I hope you will comfort them with the knowledge you were part of the cause.
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By using the word "recognise" in the "sovereignty clause" the government is implicitly admitting that the rest of the Bill, the Withdrawal Agreement itself, and indeed the whole process of Brexit, are all unnecessary

Parliament is already sovereign

Yes, the (May) government once before has has to admit that EU membership has never actually affected parliamentary sovereignty On this basis, as well as others, Brexit is an expensive charade
Sad to say you are messed in the head that even when Experts on the subject are pointing out how your kids will have less rights than you, you laugh. When your kids grow up and get sacked for no reason I hope you will comfort them with the knowledge you were part of the cause.
The Earth being burned up by the sun in billions of years time will be brexit related according ro you.And everything economically negative before then.Anything economically positive will be an act of god!!!
Sir G, you are wasting your time trying to convince quitters by logic, reason or facts.

Those did not, and do not, influence their opinion.

That's why they throw in childish nonsense, which in their minds they think defeats you.
Just sold your kids and your grandkids down the river.
Rights if not 'nailed down' will like everything else be stolen...

Quitters will only start moaning when it affects them directly...

And then they'll be gormlessly be spouting, 'how did that happen?' :rolleyes:
Boris' personal diary has apparently been hacked. Not sure if it is true. You never know with Boris.

Boris’s Top Secret Diary. Tuesday 22nd October 2019.
! It seems the details have to be looked at BEFORE we pass my deal rather than after. Is it all worth it?
Flick yes! We’ve made the U.K. a hostile environment and crashed our currency so Europeans ‍‍♂️can earn more in OTHER EU countries.
The fact that immigrants pay £5 billion more in tax than they take out is a price worth paying .
Priti Awful Patel has decreed that foreign workers have to earn £36,000 to get into the U.K. That will keep out the nurses and Care Workers which will save the NHS £billions
Gove and Mordaunt did a good job with the real PROJECT FEAR . “80 million Turks will be able to come to the U.K!”
The ever faithful Express claimed that 12 million Turks were actually planning to come here!
In truth any one of 28 countries can veto ❌ a new country joining the EU including the U.K.
Memo to Cumface The Second Cummings.
I won the Spectator offensive poetry competition regarding the Turkish President . My entry claimed Erdogan’s lover was a goat!
To make amendsI asked the EU to ignore Turkey’s human rights record and death penalty ⚰️ and let Turkey join . Google it, ffs, IT’S TRUE!
Daily Telegraph 27th September 2017. “Boris Johnson says Britain will now help Turkey join EU despite using prospect to help win referendum.”
The Earth being burned up by the sun in billions of years time will be brexit related according ro you.And everything economically negative before then.Anything economically positive will be an act of god!!!

Now we have in clear writing the costs of Brexit, you come out with nonsense. Do you have hopes, aspirations for your kids and grandkids? Now tell me why do you want them to have less rights than you. Even if you have never used that right the fact it's there it still protects you.

Now be a man and accept this is what you wanted. Unclear, unknown benefits for clear costs. Stop playing stupid.

You want less rights for yourself, kids, grandkids etc?
2/3 of MPs voted Remain. Yet,
2/3 of MPs voted to trigger Article 50.

The power of the media and the leave campaign.

Did anyone who voted leave now having seen the text would reconsider their opinion.
Labour MPs dont care about workers rights:

'Dozens of Labour MPs will back the “concept” of the Brexit bill at second reading later today, according to the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg.'

They care about keeping their job.

Incredible that Labour would vote to benefit a hard right government, brexit will give Johnson a big majority, 5 years of this carp.

Did anyone who voted leave now having seen the text would reconsider their opinion.
They haven't seen the text. Haven't you seen the leave propaganda pages? It's just one leave poster after another. Nothing added to make people think.

I had the misfortune of seeing this one today -

The entire emphasis is on people who are not wanting Brexit. And Corbyn is in just about every other post - they are using the fact he opposes the Tory party to make out he opposes a Tory Brexit. And idiots believe it!
2/3 of MPs voted Remain. Yet,
2/3 of MPs voted to trigger Article 50.
Yes, they did.

Unfortunately some MPs (presumably 1/3) previously thought remaining in the EU was best for the country, but after some people voted they said they would campaign for what they thought was NOT best for the country.

These are the unprincipled turncoats who should be voted out at the next election.
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