Boris Johnson backers to make ££££ from a no deal Brexit

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Johnson received £655,500 in donations.

From the financial data publicly available, Byline Times can reveal that currently £4,563,350,000 (£4.6 billion) of aggregate short positions on a ‘no deal’ Brexit have been taken out by hedge funds that directly or indirectly bankrolled Boris Johnson’s leadership campaign

Under the Ministerial Code, Government ministers must have “no actual or perceived conflicts of interest”. But what could be a bigger conflict of interest than those bankrolling the Prime Minister also having a vast financial interest in a catastrophe for Britain?

Yup....Boris Johnson doesnt give a monkeys about Leave voters.......he can use them by claiming will of the people mantra abd get them to vote for being poorer.

Even better Johnson can lie to Leavers and they will applaud him (they certainly do on this forum).

Brexit is a con
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Lets have the list of hedge funds and the value of the support given.
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You should know by now that Notchy ONLY puts out facts. Don’t question him or you’ll have the gang on your back.
Thank you for your valued input
It is most appreciated.

Rees Mogg and gang love to use the 'will of the people' slogan -only to them it means 'the will of thr people making us rich'.
You did it again! I've lost count of the times I’ve told you this - If you don’t state 'Fact’ it doesn’t count. :rolleyes:
Boris Johnson’s pro-Brexit backer Crispin Odey has made a £300m bet against British businesses and stands to make huge profits from the woes of the UK economy.

And I'm pretty sure that a number of speculators have made 'bets' that will result in profit if/when the economy goes the other way.

The City of London is, in my view, little more than a massive casino - with the only difference being that the players are using other people's money to place the bets.
Boris Johnson’s pro-Brexit backer Crispin Odey has made a £300m bet against British businesses and stands to make huge profits from the woes of the UK economy.

In much the same way the George Soros did in September 1992
From the financial data publicly available, Byline Times can reveal that currently £4,563,350,000 (£4.6 billion) of aggregate short positions on a ‘no deal’ Brexit have been taken out by hedge funds that directly or indirectly bankrolled Boris Johnson’s leadership campaign

And who, with links to a hedge fund registered in Bermuda for tax avoidance purposes, and funded by George Soros bankrolled much of the remain campaign?

George Soros and Gina Miller don't give a monkeys about working people.
Remain is a con.
Why would you suggest that?
Because your first reaction when asked for information is to assume that you are being accused of lying.

perhaps the truth is upsetting for you.
Not in the slightest. I'd still be interested in the facts behind the headline - the article you partially cut & pasted doesn't contain any links to provide sufficient data track the funds and the payments to campaign.
Gina Miller don't give a monkeys about working people.
Oh really.

So how much did Gina Miller gain by spending large amounts of money on bringing 2 court cases.

How much money did Ken Clarke make none
How much money did Dominic Greive make. None

How much money is Rees Mogg making? Loads a money.

Fillyboy thinks Johnson and his cronies care about Brexit voters.
Fillyboy is awfully easy to con
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