British Jobs for British People

  • Thread starter Lincsbodger
  • Start date
Aj, i have had my runnings with you in the past, but you seem like atleast a modestly intelligent fellow.

Can you tell me why you think immigrant workers are a threat to you?

How gracious of you.
They're not a threat to me as i've been pulling my own socks most of my working life.

I do however think cheap imported labour is destructive, you brought the corn wars/laws into this thread. I spent sometime re-reading the events surrounding the corn wars again into the early hours, seems history continues to repeat itself.

Some business leaders will happily exploit their workers or customers or both some wont.

I wonder, do you argue in favour of imported labour because you use it?

I import goods from countries where the Yuan, Euro, Dollar earned go further than they do here. Perhaps you think that's exploitation whereas, I think it fair, but of course that doesn't mean I'm right.

I didn't mean it in a condescending way, i mean it honestly.
No, i don't use the labour myself, but I do use imported products rather than british...which amounts to the same thing..

But this one sentence of yours is why I do not care about foreign workers

"They're not a threat to me as i've been pulling my own socks most of my working life."

Maybe, if everyone did, it wouldn't be a problem. What you are saying is if people worked harder or smarter, they would have no problem competeting with someone who can hardly even speak our language. I agree....but until the british PULL UP THEIR OWN SOCKS...i don't see why we should discriminate against people that will.
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Why aren't all countries equal then? According to your daft logic they should be shouldn't they?

What are you going on about now? In which way aren't countries equal? What ranking system are you using?
Anyway, i'm off for the mo. Feel free to research your rush. No need to make any huge mistakes like telling the complete opposite of the truth when it comes to benefits or claiming one of the most nortorious working projects of immigrants as an example of home grown engineering...

I'll answer you tomorrow.

Leave you for the moment with a few wise words.

Universal equality breaks down the second you say "Except..."
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But this one sentence of yours is why I do not care about foreign workers

"They're not a threat to me as i've been pulling my own socks most of my working life."

Maybe, if everyone did, it wouldn't be a problem. What you are saying is if people worked harder or smarter, they would have no problem competeting with someone who can hardly even speak our language. I agree....but until the british PULL UP THEIR OWN SOCKS...i don't see why we should discriminate against people that will.[/quote]

What a load of old twaddle. You mean discriminate against Johnny Foreigner that comes to OUR country, takes all the benefits, pays diddly squat in taxation, produces multiple kids, sends all their spare cash back to their homeland to feed their impoverished idealistic families/villages,undermines the working class British workers, especially craftsmen, de-values everything that our forefathers fought for during two world wars, then screams and shouts about OUR country when they don't like things. We as British citizens are no longer allowed to ' Pull up our own socks ' The building trade, for example, has died a death because of the foreign influx. A great proportion of the time, in my opinion, their work is carp. Don't get me wrong, they work hard, but most of the work that I have witnessed is, to say the least, shyte.
We, as British citizens, need to stand up to this and any other Government and get back to basics. Brits first, foreigners last.
schiz, joe90 was not wrong in saying our infrastructure is mainly Victorian. the migrant workers who came here did so because their own country couldn't provide sufficient work for them; but, there was no benefit system, no NHS, no free education, just long hard days of graft, in exchange for which they got paid if they lived until payday. very similar to other developing countries.
today's circumstances are different and have to be viewed as such. try going to France and walk into a job, get benefits free healthcare etc. it won't happen as they are protective of their culture. so are other countries. we have become the soft touch of the modern world.
Why aren't all countries equal then? According to your daft logic they should be shouldn't they?

What are you going on about now? In which way aren't countries equal? What ranking system are you using?

You said: "Your ancestors only left you stuff they left you, they cannot leave you the country as it wasn't theres to give."

Therefore, according to your logic every country is equal which means Sudan should be equal to the UK. I'm telling you that inheritance is like a baton in a relay race and passed from one generation to another.
schiz, joe90 was not wrong in saying our infrastructure is mainly Victorian. the migrant workers who came here did so because their own country couldn't provide sufficient work for them; but, there was no benefit system, no NHS, no free education, just long hard days of graft, in exchange for which they got paid if they lived until payday. very similar to other developing countries.
today's circumstances are different and have to be viewed as such. try going to France and walk into a job, get benefits free healthcare etc. it won't happen as they are protective of their culture. so are other countries. we have become the soft touch of the modern world.

Any EEA country has to give you help by mutual agreement. you are free to work in France...a lot of my guys do.
They also get free healthcare over there.

There were poor laws aswell back in the Victorian times..lets not get into a subject arguing about things we both don't know with certainty...
Why aren't all countries equal then? According to your daft logic they should be shouldn't they?

What are you going on about now? In which way aren't countries equal? What ranking system are you using?

You said: "Your ancestors only left you stuff they left you, they cannot leave you the country as it wasn't theres to give."

Therefore, according to your logic every country is equal which means Sudan should be equal to the UK. I'm telling you that inheritance is like a baton in a relay race and passed from one generation to another.

Yes, that is what inheritance is, but you cannot inherit a country...because it doesn't belong to your fathers...they just work in it.

You never heard that we should feel "lucky" for being born where we are?
We are "lucky" to be born into a country that is better than the Sudan in prospects, health and welfare....
But this one sentence of yours is why I do not care about foreign workers

"They're not a threat to me as i've been pulling my own socks most of my working life."

Maybe, if everyone did, it wouldn't be a problem. What you are saying is if people worked harder or smarter, they would have no problem competeting with someone who can hardly even speak our language. I agree....but until the british PULL UP THEIR OWN SOCKS...i don't see why we should discriminate against people that will.

What a load of old twaddle. You mean discriminate against Johnny Foreigner that comes to OUR country, takes all the benefits, pays diddly squat in taxation, produces multiple kids, sends all their spare cash back to their homeland to feed their impoverished idealistic families/villages,undermines the working class British workers, especially craftsmen, de-values everything that our forefathers fought for during two world wars, then screams and shouts about OUR country when they don't like things. We as British citizens are no longer allowed to ' Pull up our own socks ' The building trade, for example, has died a death because of the foreign influx. A great proportion of the time, in my opinion, their work is carp. Don't get me wrong, they work hard, but most of the work that I have witnessed is, to say the least, shyte.
We, as British citizens, need to stand up to this and any other Government and get back to basics. Brits first, foreigners last.

You are all over the place with this argument. We didn't fight ANYONE to ensure we can discriminate against immigrants. Infact, the idea that one countrie's people are better than anothers is what we fought AGAINST!

You then fall into the "they are crap!!" argument...which states that although their bosses are perfectly happy with the work they do for the money they charge (otherwise they wouldn't have hired them) YOU don't.

Well, that isn't your call is it. It is the employers call and if they are out competiting British workers while being "crap" as you claim...what does that tell you about the british competition??!

The forefather argument is equally flawed as every single one of you is decended from an immigrant somewhere along the line. Most within the last 5 generations.

Any EEA country has to give you help by mutual agreement. you are free to work in France...a lot of my guys do.
They also get free healthcare over there.

There were poor laws aswell back in the Victorian times..lets not get into a subject arguing about things we both don't know with certainty...

i'm aware that you are 'free' to work in France. but my words were you are very unlikely to be employed (i.e. by a French company on a PAYE basis), based mainly on language fluency, but also by their inherent preference to retain jobs for their own population, which incidentally is quite diverse.
emergency health care is available 'free' but continuing healthcare is not, to my knowledge. if you can tell me how to get it free i would be very grateful to you.
A sorry state ! Especially when you have cleared your own children's 'debt' - having subsidised the likes of Brown and Blair in the past !

Up to 70% of students from other European Union countries are failing to repay student loans they took out while at UK universities, the BBC has learnt.

The Student Loans Company says 2,240 students should have begun repayments but 1,580 are not accounted for.

A Spanish student said she had heard nothing five years after graduating.

The government says the SLC is doing what it can to track people down. Take-up of the entitlement is growing fast, with 46,000 now having borrowed £130m.

Students from EU countries have been eligible for low interest loans from the British taxpayer to pay for their tuition fees since 2006...


I don't know why after graduating they don't just declare themselves bankrupt.
A sorry state ! Especially when you have cleared your own children's 'debt' - having subsidised the likes of Brown and Blair in the past !

Up to 70% of students from other European Union countries are failing to repay student loans they took out while at UK universities, the BBC has learnt.

The Student Loans Company says 2,240 students should have begun repayments but 1,580 are not accounted for.

A Spanish student said she had heard nothing five years after graduating.

The government says the SLC is doing what it can to track people down. Take-up of the entitlement is growing fast, with 46,000 now having borrowed £130m.

Students from EU countries have been eligible for low interest loans from the British taxpayer to pay for their tuition fees since 2006...


I don't know why after graduating they don't just declare themselves bankrupt.

...has this turned into a general anti foreigner thread now then?

Any EEA country has to give you help by mutual agreement. you are free to work in France...a lot of my guys do.
They also get free healthcare over there.

There were poor laws aswell back in the Victorian times..lets not get into a subject arguing about things we both don't know with certainty...

i'm aware that you are 'free' to work in France. but my words were you are very unlikely to be employed (i.e. by a French company on a PAYE basis), based mainly on language fluency, but also by their inherent preference to retain jobs for their own population, which incidentally is quite diverse.
emergency health care is available 'free' but continuing healthcare is not, to my knowledge. if you can tell me how to get it free i would be very grateful to you.

Sorry, missed this post. Emergency care Yes, non emergency, no...pretty much exactly like the NHS.
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