As a coincidence to this topic, last week an overhead lightening flash took out the two switches at each end of my 20m ethernet cable that runs length my garden.
Taking the switches appart found that some micro caps had failed and the IC had some internal damage (internal short determined by it getting very hot).
Rest of system all okay.
Considered changing to fibre (about £80 from Amazon) but instead as did not want to drill new holes in walls got two new switches and all back and running again.
BAck on topic, if you are digging trench to put in fibre or ethernet, put in an extra length of fibre or ethernet or both. Then you have redundancy or even a test channel if one fails.
I also like switches that have LEDs that show if ethernet is live and what data rate it is at. Makes diagnosis much quicker.
Taking the switches appart found that some micro caps had failed and the IC had some internal damage (internal short determined by it getting very hot).
Rest of system all okay.
Considered changing to fibre (about £80 from Amazon) but instead as did not want to drill new holes in walls got two new switches and all back and running again.
BAck on topic, if you are digging trench to put in fibre or ethernet, put in an extra length of fibre or ethernet or both. Then you have redundancy or even a test channel if one fails.
I also like switches that have LEDs that show if ethernet is live and what data rate it is at. Makes diagnosis much quicker.
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