Can I change my signature style?

12 Apr 2011
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United Kingdom
Good morning
Can I change the style of my signature to one which is hopefully more difficult to forge?
So I need to tell anyone or gain permission?
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Simply go into your profile and write a signature at the bottom. I think you may also be able to change the font style but as I've never changed mine since joining I can't really remember.
There is nothing about your signature that is beneficial to a forger.
Are you sure you don't mean your log in password?
Sorry just to make it clear...

I'm planning to change the style of my signature when actually physically writing on a piece of paper
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I know some who have a 'signature pen' that they always and only use for signing official documents.

Not foolproof, but means they can quickly check it was them, and by using a colour (typically a shade of blue) to determine which is the wet ink signature and which is the copy or scan.

None use purple ink.

If you are just planning to change you signature style. No need to tell anyone as there is no register. Closest to a register is your passport and driving licence and bank. Change those and you are done.
So how do I proof that I'm the same person to organisations/ institutes who have my old style signature?
My passport also has the old style signature
So how do I proof that I'm the same person to organisations/ institutes who have my old style signature?
My passport also has the old style signature

My semi-tame barrister mate could bore you for 3hrs talking about 'wet ink' signatures . . . .

It is the 'act' of signing that is important, not the result of your efforts with pen & paper.
So how do I proof that I'm the same person to organisations/ institutes who have my old style signature?
My passport also has the old style signature

Your signature is not proof of your identity, it never has been & it never will be, it is not the reason why you sign things.

You need do nothing but practice your new style signature.
I once signed 6 copies of a document for a solicitor and by the time I signed the last one it was completely different to the first one!
Almost every signature I do is different.

How many ways can I write an "X" lol
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