Can we trust the police?



have a butchers at this story:

am i too loyal/gullible? but i don't think police 'plant' things... why would they? (ok apart from targets and stuff..). But i reckon the coppers know who most of the crims are, the game in hand is purely down to proof!

i don't feel like i'm ever gonna get arrested for a real or 'fake' cocaine haul... because i've never seen the stuff..... and i trust the police...


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What is it that you think needs 'discussing' here? This is a story from Malaysia. Its not like it's some local Police Authority or even the Met. Even if this were common place over there its not like it's going to effect many of us is it?
the 'discuss' comment was a bit tongue-in-cheek...apologies.

and i reckon there are a few cases where people think they've had stuff planted.... or is that just not the case in the UK?
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why not?

is it a political thing? aren't the police there for us all?

Can't trust them not to shoot innocent people
Can't trust them to turn up the same day when you have been attacked
Can't trust them not to be corrupted
Can't be ars3d to type any more

Can't trust them not to shoot innocent people
Can't trust them to turn up the same day when you have been attacked
Can't trust them not to be corrupted
Can't be ars3d to type any more

let's not do the menenezzezz thing here.... but put yourself in the shoes of a gun cop in terrorist ridden London and a suspects runs off when you approach... and heads towards the tube... innocent, yes... but was there potential? probably !

they're stretched... meeting targets

that;s the question... why?

me neither!
we put faith in those we trust.
society appoints thoes who are trustworthy on our behalf, because we appoint representitives we trust.
if there is a betrayal of trust within this social contract then, the betrayer suffers the the despise of total society.

perhaps thats just a little simplistic?
Dixon of Dock green seemed an honest chap, hang on a minute that was fiction wasnt it?

Can't trust them not to shoot innocent people
Can't trust them to turn up the same day when you have been attacked
Can't trust them not to be corrupted
Can't be ars3d to type any more

cant trust them to disclose evidence that harms their case either :LOL:

or as the judge said "i am refusing to hear this case any further "

then instructed the jury to acquit me on both charges ;)
I lost the last bit of respect for plod at last years global gathering festival.

Police cordon at the gate caused a 5 hour queue to get in. every person had to get checked by a sniffer dog, every person who got a hit got stripped, they had facilities to strip about 4 people at a time, and held the whole queue while they did. Now this is a dance festival, so the majority of people there had ideas about doing something.

Once inside, sunburnt, dehydrated and p***ed off, you had to make a choice- get the rest of your stuff and miss the bands you'd came to see, or see the bands then go queue up again at midnight.

It's testament to the good nature of the crowd plod decided to treat with such contempt- if they'd done this at reading or many other places there'd have been a riot. But of course, I'm sure they were able to tick off lots of "crimes" as "solved and it was a very "statistically profitable weekend".

Never mind the fact that one crackhead in camden will do more harm to society in one weekend than 50,00 people in a field getting trippy. Yet plod are normally too busy to investigate these crimes.

Now I hang round in the alternative subculture, opinions on the plod aren't hard to come by, and usually feature the words "pig" and "filth" etc. I used to challenge these views, ask people to justify them, and y'know what, more than once I've had people reconsider their stance. Nowadays though... I nod and say "yeah, a**holes aren't they"

and you know, millions of people feel exactly the same way. take that festival, people turned up with a broad range of opinions of plod, from polarised & negative to "well they're doing their job" to allsorts. Now 50,000 are quite sure they're a worthless bunch of pr**ks.

One day they'll need the publics support, and they're in for a rude shock.
"let's not do the menenezzezz thing here.... but put yourself in the shoes of a gun cop in terrorist ridden London and a suspects runs off when you approach... and heads towards the tube... innocent, yes... but was there potential? probably ! "

Just a correction.

No running off at anytime. He walked in the station, picked up a Metro, went down the escalator, boarded train, sat down, then was confronted by two mens with guns. If we believe the witnessess in court, no warning was given they were armed police.

Before the trial I was 100% in favour of the cops. If someone shouts armed police and runs, then tough, your dead.

But, as evidence, cctv footage shows, this was not the case, and as such, think the police are 100% guilty, be it the commander or the actual officer who pulled the trigger.
"let's not do the menenezzezz thing here.... but put yourself in the shoes of a gun cop in terrorist ridden London and a suspects runs off when you approach... and heads towards the tube... innocent, yes... but was there potential? probably ! "

Just a correction.

No running off at anytime. He walked in the station, picked up a Metro, went down the escalator, boarded train, sat down, then was confronted by two mens with guns. If we believe the witnessess in court, no warning was given they were armed police.

Before the trial I was 100% in favour of the cops. If someone shouts armed police and runs, then tough, your dead.

But, as evidence, cctv footage shows, this was not the case, and as such, think the police are 100% guilty, be it the commander or the actual officer who pulled the trigger.

regardless of what you have or havent done

if plod point a gun at you you drop END OF

ive been there and i aint taking sides

TBF all he had to do was stop

yeah the plod where hyped up but in the same vein a lot of people where already dead
"let's not do the menenezzezz thing here.... but put yourself in the shoes of a gun cop in terrorist ridden London and a suspects runs off when you approach... and heads towards the tube... innocent, yes... but was there potential? probably ! "

Just a correction.

No running off at anytime. He walked in the station, picked up a Metro, went down the escalator, boarded train, sat down, then was confronted by two mens with guns. If we believe the witnessess in court, no warning was given they were armed police.

Before the trial I was 100% in favour of the cops. If someone shouts armed police and runs, then tough, your dead.

But, as evidence, cctv footage shows, this was not the case, and as such, think the police are 100% guilty, be it the commander or the actual officer who pulled the trigger.

Being a police officer in that position, having to make such a call, is an incredibly difficult and demanding thing to do.

But the impression I've had is that the whole thing was a bungle. Mistakes happen, and you can only truely judge people on how they handle it all going wrong. The number of different stories the met have come up makes it difficult to believe whatever they say next.
Of course you cant trust the police. They, and CPS, are rotten to the core.
Unless you know someone within their circle you have no chance of being treated fairly.
Your always guilty, and after fabricating evidence they can and will find you guilty.

Unfortunately who are you going to complain too,
Independent Police Complaint Commission :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I have never been convicted of any crime but 1 Little ba**ard Sgnt seems to have an axe to grind.
(Foolishly he documented his version of a recent personal attack on my family and I have a copy :cool: .
His abuse of authority coupled with a total disregards to PACE G and his documented lies and heavy handedness will soon be made public) :D :D :D

If we don't get positive response, then cometh the revolution he will be first on my hit list, or I will catch him out uniform one night (in self defence though) ;) and I will have my witnesses present.

Police with crime records defended

A police force defended its officers after it was reported some have criminal records for offences such as assault, fraud and gun crime.

Hampshire Constabulary said a criminal conviction does not "preclude employment" after it emerged there are 42 separate convictions among its 4,000 officers.

A force spokesman would not comment on reports that the convictions included benefit fraud, discharging a firearm, possession of a cannabis plant, being drunk and disorderly, assault and theft.
He said they expect "high standards" from officers and staff and each conviction is dealt with according to "individual merits and circumstances".

He said: "Hampshire Constabulary adheres to national standards for the discipline procedures for both police staff and police officers.

"The Home Office sets procedures to be followed for officers with criminal convictions. A criminal conviction does not preclude employment, however very careful consideration is always given to people with convictions."

The spokesman added that some of the convictions against officers happened during their youth before they joined the police service.

The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) said those in the force are subject to the Police and Misconduct Regulations set by Government. The regulations include a reprimand, fine or reduction in rank and decisions are left to individual forces.

Paul West, ACPO lead for the Professional Standards Working Group and Chief Constable of West Mercia, said: "Where wrongdoing is alleged, police officers are investigated and action taken as appropriate to each case.

"It should be remembered that there are just over 140,000 police officers in the country, the overwhelming majority of whom serve the public with dedication. From December 1 new Police and Misconduct Regulations will come into effect which will simplify and speed up the discipline process."
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