car insurance - pay as you drive: big brother?

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
I visited Norwich Union online yesterday to get an estimate of how much it will cost me to insure my ford fiesta diesel when renewal comes in january. It came up with a quote, which i was happy with, then it loaded a popup, saying i was eligible for pay as you drive insurance. I have heard of this, but didn't think they were doing it yet.

I read more on this, and it said they install a black box in your car (usual cost £200, free at the moment, first 1500 trial customers). It also said they are aiming this product at 18-25 year olds, whose mileage is generally lower than other groups. It wasn't very clear on prices and tarrifs, but it did say "starting from" prices. I travel about 1000 miles per month, and for that it said the rate was 4p per mile. £40 per month! £480 per year :eek: :eek: :eek: obviously, thats not all, there is a base rate to pay (which it didn't explain in detail, since this is what varies the cost for higher risk groups and each case has different risks), and every mile between 11pm and 6am is charged at £1 (higher risk times apparently :confused: )

To say i will be paying £800 at renewal in january, this presents a feasible option for me if it is still available.

One of the major advantages i can see is that this is a tracking device in your car, so if the car gets stolen, the insurers can track it directly (providing the theives dont lift the bonnet and find the tracker for a few hours after reporting the theft).

However, im not sure about being followed around by my insurers, they will know every journey i make and they send you a bill that itemises every journey apparently, and use monthly direct debits to extort their fees. It would feel a bit like an intrusion on my privacy.

Would anyone else go for this option, were it available to them?
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That would cost me more than double my renewal premium so no not worth it in my case.
all i can say is avoid norwich union at all costs. they are useless. especially when it comes to change cars etc. just see my other norwich union rant threads
I understand Norwich Union is the first company to try this out on a trial period, I think it also was a government idea to keep cars off the road during the peak time by charging the motorists more.
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masona said:
I understand Norwich Union is the first company to try this out on a trial period, I think it also was a government idea to keep cars off the road during the peak time by charging the motorists more.

and then change rush hour to an hour later. good idea.
Oh god I can't WAIT to tell my high-mileage commuting friend about this: she goes ape at anything that penalises high-mileage motorists or brings c**p driver insurance premia in line with male driver insurance premia :LOL:
AdamW said:
Oh god I can't WAIT to tell my high-mileage commuting friend about this: she goes ape at anything that penalises high-mileage motorists or brings c**p driver insurance premia in line with male driver insurance premia :LOL:
sounds like a premia donner too me :rolleyes:
Folks, if one is penalised for commuting to a better paid job, to the extent that one has to work nearer home due to transport costs and availability then everyone suffers ... All around spending will inevitably decrease.
My council tax should not be used to penalise me, a resident, to the benefit of the summer holiday maker.
New labour is, is, is ..... Well they just are !!
empip said:
New labour is, is, is ..... Well they just are !!
must be happy about the way they've sorted out your pension for you pip?
NL did little for my pension, I did most myself.. The day I got focused and realised given life, older age is inevitable.. There are plenty thinking, 'Ah,well I'll work 'til I am 70' .... May not have that choice nobody may want you .. shrinking workforce etc.
A pension in the hand is worth 4 or 5 in one's dreams.
There are many civil servants etc looking at half pay pensions for doing nowt .. Imagine you partially funding a £50k pension whilst your granny lives in poverty .. in comes down to that really.
Pension is the ultimate insurance against old age.
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