Car Insurance

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Rang my car insurance company today to dowgrade the cover from fully comp. to 3rd party fire & swipe as it is SORNED.

Got told it is cheaper to have it fully comp. Ever heard such a thing?
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It's true, and its the amongst the most stupid of reasoning.

Apparently riskier drivers are cheapskates and tend to choose just third party cover. So the insurers put the premiums up!

Now, surely when this risky people see that comprehensive is now cheaper ......
People who unwittingly choose third party because they think it will be cheaper are perceived by insurance companies to be a higher risk. Its not brain surgery.
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Consider mileage. When I retired, I called my insurers and asked if my premium could be reduced because I foresee my maximum mileage to be less than 6000 per year.

Computer said 'yes'.
Because young drivers in the past have gone for TPF&T or just TP this is now percieved by insurance companys to be a higher risk than fully comp in some case's . Strange but true!!
Pretty certain some companies do a special insurance just for storing with no road use
It's true that years ago TP or TPFT was indeed cheaper. I can remember when I first had a car TPFT for me was almost half what my father was paying for his fully comp insurance (with full no claims) and mine was the first years premiums, with zero no claims. A few years ago I thought I'd save money by having TPFT insurance and was surprised to find it was dearer than fully comp (even with full no claims discount)
Pretty certain some companies do a special insurance just for storing with no road use

Thanks gas, and everyone else for contributing.

Will look into that.



Quoted £101.

Found my policy docs. Don't think my current policy is valid!

It says for the policy to remain valid, the vehicle needs current MOT & VED...
It says for the policy to remain valid, the vehicle needs current MOT & VED...

I don't think you can SORN a car with a tax disc. It's one or the other, if you SORN it then you have to send the disc back. It's a real PITA.

When they changed the law to make all taxed cars have insurance even if it was on blocks without an engine they made life difficult for the honest bloke again. All because they cannot be bothered to catch the criminals who drive without insurance, so they penalise everybody.
I just rang the DVLA and SORNED it mid month on the last month. You only get full months back, so there was no point sending the disc back to them.

But I have just spoken twice to my car insurance company (2 different people) who seemed happy to keep it on fully comp. insurance with it being SORNED and having no MOT.

I did not want to pay £500 to insure it, though, so let them know that the small print says the policy is invalid without VED and MOT. When she checked it, she came back and said she could not continue the policy.

Then she said she wanted to charge me a fee for stopping the policy!!

She got short shrift on that one.
It says for the policy to remain valid, the vehicle needs current MOT & VED...

I don't think you can SORN a car with a tax disc. It's one or the other, if you SORN it then you have to send the disc back. It's a real PITA.

When they changed the law to make all taxed cars have insurance even if it was on blocks without an engine they made life difficult for the honest bloke again. All because they cannot be bothered to catch the criminals who drive without insurance, so they penalise everybody.
This is another case of pre-judging people, guilty before being proven so, they assume the car will be used on a public road even though you have declared it SORN.
They have made it very difficult for the owner of the off the road vehicle, to sell it, without road tax, even though the MOT may still be current.
They should re-introduce insurance where the person is the one being insured, not the vehicle, after all it is the individual who builds the reputation for being a safe driver over a period of years.
A car is just an innamate object it does not have accidents on it's own.

It says for the policy to remain valid, the vehicle needs current MOT & VED...

I don't think you can SORN a car with a tax disc. It's one or the other, if you SORN it then you have to send the disc back. It's a real PITA.

When they changed the law to make all taxed cars have insurance even if it was on blocks without an engine they made life difficult for the honest bloke again. All because they cannot be bothered to catch the criminals who drive without insurance, so they penalise everybody.
This is another case of pre-judging people, guilty before being proven so, they assume the car will be used on a public road even though you have declared it SORN.
They have made it very difficult for the owner of the off the road vehicle, to sell it, without road tax, even though the MOT may still be current.
They should re-introduce insurance where the person is the one being insured, not the vehicle, after all it is the individual who builds the reputation for being a safe driver over a period of years.
A car is just an innamate object it does not have accidents on it's own.


It can however be stolen or damaged and therefore potentially claimed against the policy even though it was not driven.

Lets not forget the real reason we pay such extortionate prices for insurance and why it is unlikely to be reformed. TAX.

I did read a headline recently claiming the government is looking into the insurance scam but I can only assume they will be looking to make it even more of a cash cow.
Whatever they do one thing is certain, it will not benefit the insured, we are all captive to what they decree we should pay.
If the ANPR system is so effective at getting un-insured vehicles off the road, why has there been no apparent reduction in policy premiums?
The whole insurance business is a cartel, and should be investigated, but then again this is rip off Britian, where fair play is a thing of the past.

I suspect there has never been fair play in the UK, things are harder to hide nowadays.
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