CCTV and ID cards

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I haven't really got a problem with CCTV, infact if every square foot in the country was covered by CCTV you'd cut back on crime quite quickly. I think the problem comes when the laws are stupid. Get rid of stupid laws but keep the high level of law enforcement.
I haven't really got a problem with CCTV, infact if every square foot in the country was covered by CCTV you'd cut back on crime quite quickly. I think the problem comes when the laws are stupid. Get rid of stupid laws but keep the high level of law enforcement.

What high level of Law Enforcement is this Skitz? Or do you live in a different country? Police these days actually spend more time filling forms and pen pushing than they do on the beat.
Years ago if your house was broken into, you could expect a visit from the police either the same day or at least the next. Nowadays they give you a crime number over the phone and leave you to pick up the pieces.
When they actually catch criminals, the decision to prosecute is out of their hands and rests with the pathetically called CPS.
When a case gets to court, pitiful sentences which don't act as any sort of deterrent are meted out by magistrates or judges, who seem to be out of touch with reality.
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I haven't really got a problem with CCTV, infact if every square foot in the country was covered by CCTV you'd cut back on crime quite quickly.

Massive investment in CCTV cameras to prevent crime in the UK has failed to have a significant impact, despite billions of pounds spent on the new technology, a senior police officer piloting a new database has warned. Only 3% of street robberies in London were solved using CCTV images, despite the fact that Britain has more security cameras than any other country in Europe.

The warning comes from the head of the Visual Images, Identifications and Detections Office (Viido) at New Scotland Yard as the force launches a series of initiatives to try to boost conviction rates using CCTV evidence.

The problem with cctv is that it is reactive not proactive...and the crims know that!

You could plaster the country with as many cameras as you like, but then how many would be needed to watch those cameras if they were to act as a deterrent? cctv is only there so as to give the impression that the 'authorities' are doing something, when if fact they have utterly failed to tackle the problem...
...imagine this though.

man "My house was burgled"
Police "Was it? Where do you live?"
man "187 bob street"
Police "Ok one second"...*taps away at keys* *Pause* "yes sir, we have them entering your building on tape, we have sent their images across to the local police departments and have tracked the van used to load your goods using our network of street cameras to 7567 Marley road, police are now on route".

Why can't that happen?! If there were enough cameras, even if it was reactive.
This prossie killer was caught out by a cctv camera he didn't know was there and was arrested because of it.

Problem is there are too many dark spots where people can hide.
I haven't really got a problem with CCTV, infact if every square foot in the country was covered by CCTV you'd cut back on crime quite quickly. I think the problem comes when the laws are stupid. Get rid of stupid laws but keep the high level of law enforcement.

What high level of Law Enforcement is this Skitz? Or do you live in a different country? Police these days actually spend more time filling forms and pen pushing than they do on the beat.
Years ago if your house was broken into, you could expect a visit from the police either the same day or at least the next. Nowadays they give you a crime number over the phone and leave you to pick up the pieces.
When they actually catch criminals, the decision to prosecute is out of their hands and rests with the pathetically called CPS.
When a case gets to court, pitiful sentences which don't act as any sort of deterrent are meted out by magistrates or judges, who seem to be out of touch with reality.

What i meant, and maybe I didn't make this clear enough, was in reaction to people claiming we are being snooped on too much and police have too much powers. Keep the powers(or increase the powers), but eliminate the crap laws.
...imagine this though.

man "My house was burgled"
Police "Was it? Where do you live?"
man "187 bob street"
Police "Ok one second"...*taps away at keys* *Pause* "yes sir, we have them entering your building on tape, we have sent their images across to the local police departments and have tracked the van used to load your goods using our network of street cameras to 7567 Marley road, police are now on route".

Police en route? .. doesn't even happen now :LOL:

Problem is there are too many dark spots where people can hide.
Yeah, private homes/spaces are a bugger ain't they... ;)

This prossie killer was caught out by a cctv camera he didn't know was there and was arrested because of it.
Didn't keep them alive though did it!
...imagine this though.

man "My house was burgled"
Police "Was it? Where do you live?"
man "187 bob street"
Police "Ok one second"...*taps away at keys* *Pause* "yes sir, we have them entering your building on tape, we have sent their images across to the local police departments and have tracked the van used to load your goods using our network of street cameras to 7567 Marley road, police are now on route".

Police en route? .. doesn't even happen now :LOL:

Problem is there are too many dark spots where people can hide.
Yeah, private homes/spaces are a b*****r ain't they... ;)

This prossie killer was caught out by a cctv camera he didn't know was there and was arrested because of it.
Didn't keep them alive though did it!

No, but a serial killer got caught after killing 4 prostitutes...i doubt he was just going to stop after the 4th, so think of he many that were saved....and the amount of money punters have saved (scarcity forces prices up).

You wouldn't need to see in private homes or private places, but if you could see every public place, you know where everyone was.

And I know police aren't like that now, because CCTV isn't like that now, but imagine a country where if you committed a crime in public, you WOULD be tracked and caught..I don't think many people would risk it.
No, but a serial killer got caught after killing 4 prostitutes...i doubt he was just going to stop after the 4th, so think of he many that were saved....
still wasn't a deterrent though was it!

You wouldn't need to see in private homes or private places, but if you could see every public place, you know where everyone was.

Really?... :LOL:

And I know police aren't like that now, because CCTV isn't like that now, but imagine a country where if you committed a crime in public, you WOULD be tracked and caught..I don't think many people would risk it.

And guess what - it's called a police state...
Arresting people isn't a deterrent either, this is 'reactive' as well. Maybe everyone should start off arrested so they can fit in with this idea of yours of being 'proactive'.

Yes, really,


No it is not a police state. A police state is not merely 'effective policing', which is what I am suggesting. It is not a control of is not a control at all infact. It is simply arresting people that break the law.
Problem is there are too many dark spots where people can hide.

and the other problem is that how do you prevent intrusive monitoring of innocent people and b) how do you prevent abuse of the system

'lets use the cctv to look in that birds bedroom, she's undressing

" Lets use the CCTV to look in that hosuem, we dony have a search warrant but who cares'

"ello darling ima copper on the cctv cameras, your gonna be my girlfriend, or stalk you and stich you up, you cant hide from me"

"hey i know him thats not his wife, methinks i can blackmail me a few quid here"

You can g'tee all those scenarios will take place. Im innocent until proven guilty, and have committed no offence, and am entitled to the respect and trust of the state, , why do you want to watch me all the time?

And where does it stop? you going to monitor all my phones calls? read all my emails? check my post? routinely search my rubbish ? Sounds like a totalitarian police state to me. Its the thin end of the wedge.

Wait, labour already introduced most of them............
this won't seem like a sensible question, but it is intended as such... to those who are against cctv... if you walk down a street which has cctv along its length, exactly what is it you object to?

Contrary to what has been said... the cameras aren't there to look at you. Although you are being filmed. Your actions are recorded, but i suspect in most cases you aren't being analysed. Your daily activities aren't being logged in a diary of your life.

I really can't understand what there is to be upset about.
this won't seem like a sensible question, but it is intended as such... to those who are against cctv... if you walk down a street which has cctv along its length, exactly what is it you object to?

Contrary to what has been said... the cameras aren't there to look at you. Although you are being filmed. Your actions are recorded, but i suspect in most cases you aren't being analysed. Your daily activities aren't being logged in a diary of your life.

I really can't understand what there is to be upset about.
There's one born/indoctrinated everyday.... :LOL:
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