College courses, career advice

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom

Those of you who have been here a while will know me and that I know my electrical stuff pretty well, though I havent kept up with the requirements of the latest amendment of the 17th (apart from metal CUs). Its something I would love to do for a living in some capacity.

I know the ideal way into the industry is an apprenticeship. I can't afford that. I need to keep my current job for the money.

If I were to start on a college course around my current job could I start with electrotechnical level 2? Or do I need to do a level 1 course? On the website above (doncaster college) the entry requirements for the level 2 is just gcses. 2.5 days over 32 weeks.

I've been toying with this for a few years now. I'm fairly sure I've done a post like this before. I'm not getting any younger and my current job isn't getting any better - when you spend your working day dreaming up imaginitive ways to resign with maximum effect, you know you're in the wrong job. My dad retired today from an office job that he's never liked (he used to drive trains under BR but moved into the offices shortly after privatisation just before driver salaries rocketed). I have been scouring job websites but no jobs on there that I'm qualified in, nor have salaries close to what I'm on now. (I explored train driving but it's impossible to get into, 400 applicants per post, strict psychometric testing)

If I do level 2 and 3, where can I go from there? I know a friend of a friend who has just started his own business as a spark after working for a local business, I could ask him to take me on, he knows I know my stuff.

Advice appreciated.
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I know a friend of a friend who has just started his own business as a spark after working for a local business, I could ask him to take me on, he knows I know my stuff.

I would say he's the best person to go and talk to first. But you're still going to have a difficult transition period. You can't do the 2.5 days on the weekend, so you need to work at your current job whilst you get your qualifications, then need to go on a low rate in working for someone else, whilst you get enough experience to go out on your own.
Level 1 is for numpties? So providing your not a numpt, then go straight into level 2, then progress to L3. After that there are number of different courses that will offer other progression, which would depend which path you want to follow. The regs change next year, so no point taking a 17th ed exam, but no reason why you should not read up on it. Then when new regs come in, do some learning towards that qual. I would recommend that an inspection and testing course was also on your list.

Your question has been asked many times. I am sure if you do a search on the topic, more info will be evident.
Sorry to hear things are not working out. Is it something a transfer or change of role can rectify?
Do you have any medical conditions affecting your work? If this is the case, then under the Equality Act 2010, your employer has to make reasonable adjustments to allow you to do your job.

I'm not getting any younger

You and me both! But you're the "right" side of 50!
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Sorry to hear things are not working out. Is it something a transfer or change of role can rectify?
Do you have any medical conditions affecting your work? If this is the case, then under the Equality Act 2010, your employer has to make reasonable adjustments to allow you to do your job.

You and me both! But you're the "right" side of 50!
Not sure you remember but I'm in food retail. The industry is on its arse. Cutting hours here, cutting hours there. As a manager I have to try to engage my team and motivate them. This is the biggest struggle. Its a lot different to the business I joined 14 years ago. I dont know many of my counterparts who don't feel the same. Those who get on to better roles (field mgmt) brown nose their way to the top.

I dont have any disabilities etc. I'm well aware of the equality act.

The college course above is 2.5 days a week so I'm going to have to think about reducing my hours at work which will inevitably mean a lower role. Managers and deputys cant be part time. My partner could pick up a few hours though, but I'd probably be looking at halving my income. I'd still be earning more than an apprentice though.

Its difficult.
It almost sounds as though you're between a rock and a hard place Steve, and being the better side of 50, you've still got maybe 20 years of work ahead of you, so whilst you may have quite a few years of reduced income ahead of you, do you really have an alternative.
It almost sounds as though you're between a rock and a hard place Steve, and being the better side of 50, you've still got maybe 20 years of work ahead of you, so whilst you may have quite a few years of reduced income ahead of you, do you really have an alternative.
Indeed, I'm 31, if i retire at 66 thats 35 years ahead of me. A sobering thought and makes me want to leave retail even more. My hairline can't take much more.
No question then Steve, go for it; even if it takes you 4 years, you could be running a small company, and employing staff.
Sure, I did!

Industry, or company?
How many more hours would they have to cut for you do your training?
Industry, except aldi and lidl. Aldi and lidl have a concept that works. All the rest (dont want my employer naming here) are trying to do what they do, unsuccessfully, and paying less money. Every chance they get, they cut hours. "Efficiency savings". Cutting hours for tasks we never knew we had. All the while managers expected to put on a positive face, grin and bear it. And of course managers being on all inclusive salaries means doing unlimited hours to keep the shop running.

I'm going to do some sums. Find out how much money we could have in certain scenarios. My partner could also increase her hours at work for a while or even step up to team leader if there's a vacancy (she used to do this before we had a child). We're by no means hard up, we have a good disposable income, but we do want to build an extension on the new house etc.
And of course managers being on all inclusive salaries means doing unlimited hours to keep the shop running.

Obviously a manager on a salary is supposed to be somewhat flexible to do what is needed to get things done, but it does have its limits, if you find yourself having to work a number of hours that when you work it out your effective hourly rate is less than the minimum wage when averaged out for a long time then they are in the wrong there, but someone needs to draw attention to it or they could claim that they are unaware of how many hours managers are having to do. Is this the case? or is it not quite as bad as that? And are you in a union at all?
If it is affecting your health (physical OR mental), you need to get out or move to a less stressful position.

I know it's easy to say and not easy to do but your health is one of the most precious things you have.

As Adam says, whatever position you have, whether it be your current one or a lesser paid one, be careful you don't fall into the trap of working unreasonable hours and/ or feeling compelled to do tasks that are outside your responsibility. Even if you are a manager, there is a limit to the number of hours they can ask you to work.
Talk to your union.
No question then Steve, go for it; even if it takes you 4 years, you could be running a small company, and employing staff.
Indeed, 4 years is not that long in education and the time goes quite quickly. With amount of work/learning required, not only in class but outside that. I think in my opinion it is the correct choice.

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