Converting Hyperlinks to normal text

21 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
I rent dvds from a website, I'd like to compile a list in Microsoft Works Word processor as I've rented so many now I cant remember what I have and haven't already rented, I always have access to my previously rented dvds available but they're in date order not alphabetical, hence I'd like to copy them into a document and start a directory type thing. To save typing the lot out I'd sooner paste the rented dvd page straight into my document and manipulate that. The problem is, that on the website in my previously rented list the titles are all hyperlinks and when I paste them into me doc they remain as hyperlinks, is they're any way to convert them back into normal text :?:
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yes, yes there is.

right click on the link>hyperlink>remove hyperlink

:oops: well it works in word
either that, as it may take some time, or select all the items in one go, copy them into notepad (click on start>run and run notepad.exe). Select all the text again in notepad and copy it and then paste into Works.

If you are doing it individually, then breezers solution may be quicker if there is the option :)
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Hmm, to cut a long story short on the service I use you're encouraged to review each rental after you've watched it and to facilitate this there's a link adjacent to the title link, for the dozen or so that I have reviewed the link to 'write a review' is no longer a link but just text, when you paste these already reviewed titles you can then remove the hyperlink as per breezer's advice but this doesn't work for the ones I've not reviewed yet. Nevermind, looks like I've got some typing to do, many thanks for the replies.