Difficulty starting Transit in cold weather

22 Sep 2005
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Preston, Lancashire
United Kingdom
I have a Transit 2.5 DI (1999) that proves difficult to start in the mornings when the temperature is around 0°C and nigh on impossible at -3°C or less. This model doesn't have glow plugs and I've changed the battery already. Once it's been started, it'll start easily all day long.
There's a cold starting aid mentioned in the owners manual, but I don't know what that does, or if it can become faulty.
Any ideas folks?
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Thanks for that Andy, have you any other ideas cause I don't think that an electric blanket is the proper solution?
Transit diesels can have injection pump problems, this causes bad starting, but it usually bad starting any time, and gets worse until it fails to starts. Have you checked the compression pressures.
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No I haven't checked the compression pressure. I wouldn't know where to start. :D
Whatever it is it's definitely linked to temperature though.
For Diesel combustion to work temperature is required (reason why Diesels have glow plugs is to help them start). I'm suprised it doesn't have glow plugs, although the cold starting aid must be something similar (IE warm the cylinders to aid combustion). I'd look into that a bit more.

otherwise I think an electric blanket is called for!!!
Darude, Transit 2.5L diesel engines are direct injection and do not need any heater plugs. They usually start up very quickly, so there must be either a fuel problem (injection pump) or lack of compression.
regards johnwr
there is a cold start on the side of the pump which is electricaly operated and they do tend to pack up on older models, I have jammed it open to start up then removed it for normal running

good luck

Sorry this is a bit late but I've only just found the topic. This sounds to me like water in the fuel lines or filter. If it was drawing air or had a compression problem the fault would be there all the time. The fact that it only appears to be happening when the temprature is below freezing is a dead givaway. Try adding Whynns dry fuel and see if that helps.
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