Distance Selling...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
If you buy something online, you have 7 days to return the item and get a refund.

But does this apply to a repeat payment for a service?

The situation is that I had a hosting package which I cancelled, and moved the hosting/domain name elsewhere about a week before renewal was due.

However, they are now saying that the account was cancelled 'incorrectly', and the next year's hosting fees have been automatically charged to the card on that account.

They are refusing to issue a refund even though they acknowledge there is no hosting now on the account.

The request for a refund was made within the 7 days of the payment being taken, so does this come under the 'distance selling' legislation, regardless of whether the account was closed 'incorrectly' or not?
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I would imagine that if the account was incorrectly closed then it was, by default, still open and chargeable. It's all down to their goodwill really.
They are saying it was 'incorrectly' closed - I believe it was correctly done.

But does the 'distance selling' law apply regardless?
No mention of it in the DSR.
The difference in your case is you are re-newing not buying new.
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These type of deals that have your card details might just as well have your b.lls. You more than likely will have to suck it. :(