Does it matter that we have a lying, dishonest Prime Minister?

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"The UK’s Supreme Court has this week heard evidence on two cases being fought over the prorogation of parliament. High Court judges in London earlier ruled that one case was not for them to try as it was a political matter; on the other, Scottish judges decided that prime minister Boris Johnson’s suspension of parliament was unlawful because he, in effect, misled the monarch. Now the matter is with the country’s highest court.

"Philip Stephens in his column says that whatever definitive ruling the 11 sitting judges give — that the prorogation is non-justiciable or that it is unlawful — the damage has already been done. There is no-one in Westminster’s corridors of power who believes Mr Johnson is telling the truth. As two former prime ministers add to the accusations of his lying and self-interest, Philip finds British Conservatism in a “truly sorry” condition, rife with back-stabbing and mendacity.

"Does this matter? Some may shrug, says Philip: “Put lying to the Queen to one side and fear and loathing among politicians in the same party is hardly new. As for Mr Johnson’s lies, well, no one trusts politicians.” But add contempt for the traditions, institutions and laws of parliament and the damage from this goes beyond trust in the prime minister. It is, he says, being inflicted on the nation’s very democracy."
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Tbh I dont give a stuff

They are all porkie piers to a lesser or greater extent
Tbh I dont give a stuff

They are all porkie piers to a lesser or greater extent

Absolutely TA but it suits them to keep moaning about obviously the strongest contender here. They're all fos.

Watching that Cameron docu the other night the rift between Gove and Cameron talk about axe to grind. It seems almost like Cameron dropping Gove from Cabinet caused all this sht.. Gove was hell bent on retribution at any price.
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They're all fos

Brexiteers justification to Johnsons lies is 'they are liars'.

Wrong. Johnson is a liar.

Dominic Grieve is a man of integrity.
Of course Brexiteers are welcome to try and prove that wrong
"The UK’s Supreme Court has this week heard evidence on two cases being fought over the prorogation of parliament. High Court judges in London earlier ruled that one case was not for them to try as it was a political matter; on the other, Scottish judges decided that prime minister Boris Johnson’s suspension of parliament was unlawful because he, in effect, misled the monarch. Now the matter is with the country’s highest court.

"Philip Stephens in his column says that whatever definitive ruling the 11 sitting judges give — that the prorogation is non-justiciable or that it is unlawful — the damage has already been done. There is no-one in Westminster’s corridors of power who believes Mr Johnson is telling the truth. As two former prime ministers add to the accusations of his lying and self-interest, Philip finds British Conservatism in a “truly sorry” condition, rife with back-stabbing and mendacity.

"Does this matter? Some may shrug, says Philip: “Put lying to the Queen to one side and fear and loathing among politicians in the same party is hardly new. As for Mr Johnson’s lies, well, no one trusts politicians.” But add contempt for the traditions, institutions and laws of parliament and the damage from this goes beyond trust in the prime minister. It is, he says, being inflicted on the nation’s very democracy."

John, there was a referendum and your side lost. Your lot have spent the years since then doing everything possible to overturn the will of the people, your lot don't give a s**t about democracy, never have, but the moment somebody comes along strong enough to fight back, your lot start crying like small children about the damage being inflicted against democracy.

You lost, get over it and grow up you ****.
there was a referendum

And you think that the Prime Minister therefore is entitled to lie to the country, Parliament and the Queen.

You don't know what you're talking about.
And you think that the Prime Minister therefore is entitled to lie to the country, Parliament and the Queen.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Great post John, you're on fire tonight, you're the man.
Brexiteers justification to Johnsons lies is 'they are liars'.

Wrong. Johnson is a liar.

Dominic Grieve is a man of integrity.
Of course Brexiteers are welcome to try and prove that wrong
No.. it's not a justification. Merely pointing out your claim he lies is they are all liars two wrongs do not make a right I know.

However as I stated Major prorogued parliament over the expenses scandal on any other occasion if he was speaking out in favour of brexit at the supreme court you'd be close to incontinence in your passion to overstate his wrong doings. Hence my accusation stands you guys are fickle and hypocritical. Would you like me to explain those definitions to you.. no Festid dont lower yourself to the gutter banter.

I have no allegiance to any of them including Boris. Hell I'd support Corbyn if he came up with a logical solution to brexit or a way out to appease both remain and brexit. But hes just not cut from the right cloth.
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John, there was a referendum and your side lost. Your lot have spent the years since then doing everything possible to overturn the will of the people, your lot don't give a s**t about democracy, never have, but the moment somebody comes along strong enough to fight back, your lot start crying like small children about the damage being inflicted against democracy.

You lost, get over it and grow up you ****.

Very accurately and succinctly put ....well said sir I thank you and have thanked you !
Brexiteers justification to Johnsons lies is 'they are liars'.

Wrong. Johnson is a liar.

Dominic Grieve is a man of integrity.
Of course Brexiteers are welcome to try and prove that wrong

Was not greive the bloke who. Had his office raided by special. Branch?
Hence my accusation stands you guys are fickle and hypocritical

You are wrong.

Johnson has lied many times and since becoming PM hasctried to subvert democracy.

You can jump and down all you like, Johnson prorogued parliament to avoid debate.

He has tried to push through a no deal by preventing parliament debating it.

Why has he done that?
Because he know, you know, everybody knows there is no majority for no deal.
There was an indicative vote and no deal got totally defeated.

Now try and justfy your claim of fickle and hypocritical to me.....Id like to see examples of how you apply those words to the above.
Brexiteers justification to Johnsons lies is 'they are liars'.

Wrong. Johnson is a liar.

Dominic Grieve is a man of integrity.
Of course Brexiteers are welcome to try and prove that wrong
Great post John, you're on fire tonight, you're the man.

You are wrong.

Johnson has lied many times and since becoming PM hasctried to subvert democracy.

You can jump and down all you like, Johnson prorogued parliament to avoid debate.

He has tried to push through a no deal by preventing parliament debating it.

Why has he done that?
Because he know, you know, everybody knows there is no majority for no deal.
There was an indicative vote and no deal got totally defeated.

Now try and justfy your claim of fickle and hypocritical to me.....Id like to see examples of how you apply those words to the above.

Its bedtime and tell me I'm wrong after the supreme court laugh this one out of town Monday
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