Dutch trouble?

One wonders why the racist/xenophobic brexiteer nutters still care so much as to what happens to the club they forced us to leave...

Maybe they won't be happy until Europe is at war again?

Of course if that were to happen they would be running for the hills and blaming anyone but themselves!
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Do you not think they're bringing it up on themselves whereby more countries are turning to parties who understand/play on the concerns over immigration.
If not I can only put it down to you being hard of thinking.
Holland has a PR system which if replicated in the UK would probably have meant no Cameron government in 2015 and no Brexhit referendum.

Because like us, they are better off in

UK isn't in the EU, how is immigration doing for the UK, 1 million net migration last year.

Forage told people to vote because of fears of Turkey joining EU.....yet since brexit the numbers of Turkish Barbers has exploded.
yep those Albanians can turn their hand to anything
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:giggle: Dutch

Most of em are bombed out of there eads on spliff

Wandering around on push bikes with bits of tree
On there feet ???
Do you not think they're bringing it up on themselves whereby more countries are turning to parties who understand/play on the concerns over immigration
Do you think if politicians say “we won’t allow any asylum seekers“ that magically they just disappear.

When people say “I don’t want them coming to the U.K.” I ask them, which country they think should take more…..but as yet nobody can give me answer.

maybe you can answer
Why you just narrowing down to asylum seekers and chancers, there's a whole industry built on visas that the government have control of.
Why you just narrowing down to asylum seekers and chancers
they arent chancers

I mentioned asylum seekers, because you were talking about " parties who understand/play on the concerns over immigration." -its asylum seekers EU countries have issues with not really freedom of movement.

there's a whole industry built on visas that the government have control of
no idea what that means
Those that have their asylum application turned down what word would you use?
They are asylum seekers whose application has been rejected and the home office will arrange their deportation…..that is not an illegal status

If they manage to abscond then they are illegal

Why is it so hard for you
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