Election results

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
I don't know why but I get the feeling that all the main parties have lost. Lib Dems a disaster, Tories should have done way better and Labour even weaker than before.

How do you see it? Who will form a government? Will Brown hang on?
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That blokes an idiot. :oops:

Whatever happened to the expected UKIP vote?
There may well be another election, considering the number of voters that were turned away, because the electoral registar's had not been updated (conspiracy) :?:
I don't envy the task of any winning party, to sort out the mess we are in.
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Brown should hold his hands up and surrender, he's not wanted.
He won't though, as he is a slimy power freak!
How can the country be run by a PM that was never voted in, in the first place and then failed to get the vote, when he did go to the country.
Brown surrender!
looks like a horrendous mess. Even a labour and libdem coalition isn't enough for a majority, so they'll be scrapping up anybody they can on the way. Democracy? what democracy? How can we dictate to other countries how they should be run when our own political system is such a mess? A party wins the election and can't run the country. There's no doubt that Brown will climb back up on the stand, all his cronies were trying to justify it all night like somehow thats what the people want! Some of these politicians are so out of touch its untrue!
If you sat down and worked out the ultimate hung parliament - I think you'd get what we've got. It suits nobody.
There may well be another election, considering the number of voters that were turned away, because the electoral registar's had not been updated (conspiracy) :?:
I don't envy the task of any winning party, to sort out the mess we are in.

How could cutting out a cross section of a voting area benefit anyone? It won't be a conspiracy.
Unless you are suggesting that one party always vote between 9-10.
I predicted 325 +/-10 for the tories so i was only 10 out
looks like a horrendous mess. Even a labour and libdem coalition isn't enough for a majority, so they'll be scrapping up anybody they can on the way. Democracy? what democracy? How can we dictate to other countries how they should be run when our own political system is such a mess? A party wins the election and can't run the country. There's no doubt that Brown will climb back up on the stand, all his cronies were trying to justify it all night like somehow thats what the people want! Some of these politicians are so out of touch its untrue!

I hate this use of the phrase 'balanceed parliment' for a hung parliment.

A coalition where the power is held by 59 MP's, and who can dictate to 306 MPs is hardly 'balanced'. Its a concentration of power into even less hands than before.
the things is by gaining 97 odd seast the tories had the best election they have had since the thirties!!

unfortunatley they had a huge way to come due to losing so many seats in 1997 and only gain very few back in 2001 and 2005.

and blimey charlie they had some random results, winning unwinnable seats but not winning seats they could have reasonably expect to win

this is none ****ed election

Lincsbodger said:
A coalition where the power is held by 59 MP's, and who can dictate to 306 MPs is hardly 'balanced'. Its a concentration of power into even less hands than before.

I have two things to say about that:

1) You're right.

2) It's the party system that's to blame.

The government, whoever they are, obviously want to govern - so they bully their party members into voting for whatever they want. That makes a mockery of parliamentary democracy. :mad: :mad: :mad:

The 'opposition', whoever they think they are, nearly always try to stop the government from doing whatever they want - so they also bully their party members into voting against the government. That's a double mockery. Do they even consider the possibility that the government might be right? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The assumption that the job of 'the opposition' is to oppose the government at every turn is, perhaps, a quirk of British politics and its overwhelming preoccupation with left-right, us-and-them, workers-and-toffs politics (about which I've said plenty elsewhere). This plays right into the hands of the minority parties and independents who are left holding the balance of power. :cool: :cool: :cool: If you want real democracy, abolish the whip system and give every MP a free vote, anonymous if necessary. :idea: :idea: :idea:

My mother-in-law has a very simplistic solution. She wouldn't allow any minority parties at all! :eek: :eek: :eek: It's an interesting idea but hardly democratic. I would rather see a lot more minority or non-party MPs in Parliament. It would force the government to think carefully about every policy. Now that's what I call democracy. :) :) :)
The job of the Opposition isnt to 'oppose' but to criticize and check the actions of the government and offer alternatives. They are there to play devils advocate, and to say 'i told you so' when the government trips up :D
but isn't that the point he was trying to make.?
the members of party X has to vote the way that the leader of party X tells them to?
when they might in fact think that the proposal by party Y is a bloody good idea actually..
but isn't that the point he was trying to make.?
the members of party X has to vote the way that the leader of party X tells them to?
when they might in fact think that the proposal by party Y is a bloody good idea actually..

The idea of being in a political party is that you all agree on the same policies, therefore you all vote the same way. If you dont agree with Labour Party official policy, why are you a labour MP ? Duh..........
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