Equality my ****

1 Aug 2008
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United Kingdom
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He was then warned that he could be arrested if he made any comments which were deemed to be racist or homophobic.

He didn't tell the PCSO to "F**k off you pouf" so what was the problem?
When Ratzinger comes here later for a visit will he be questioned and arrested for his views the same subjects?
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Political correctness gone mad. Whatever happened to "Free Speech?"
Perhaps it only applies to those of a certain persuasion?????
Political correctness gone mad. Whatever happened to "Free Speech?"
Perhaps it only applies to those of a certain persuasion?????

The only people who have no equality are the hard working Englishmen who pay their taxes and abide by the law. Any other grouping ie races, sexual preference, religion etc have all the rights.
Interesting to note that the newspaper report did not mention the names of those who complained. I suspect that there were no complaints from Joe Public and it was just the overzealous officer.
I'm afraid we might just have to accept that as freemen/women of this country you can hold any views you may care to have but if you utter them there will be some no nort ready to pounce and call you racist/homophobic etc.Doesn't make it right though.
This story about the homosexuals and the B&B owners really annoys me!

Though I understand that they are running a form of business therefor should abide by the rules, I think when running a business from your home there should be a different set of rules. The couple that own the B&B probably thought their chances of having a gay couple approach them for a room was pretty remote therefor didn't prepare for this scenario should it arise. Tho I think religion is a complete joke, I respect that everyone's entitled to their beliefs and if their religion is against the act of homosexuality they shouldn't be forced to go against their religion just because of a human rights law!
From what I've seen of this story, the B&B owners were not aggressive towards the gay couple nor did they refuse them a room, they merely stated that the rooms would need to be seperate from eachother. The thought of two guys sharing a bed in my house and clearing eachothers slurry pipe is sickening.

As a person of the view that homosexuality is not normal I am bound to side with the B&B owners but surely some of you more open minded folk can see that this is an overreaction by the gay couple and liberty?
I don't know about this country, but in some (Spain, I think), homosexual acts are illegal in public places, of which hotel rooms used to be deemed.
How come when it comes to english people objecting to 'gay' couples they are committing 'a human rights' offence but if a muslim/Arab etc objected it would be ok because it would be against their religion?
How come when it comes to english people objecting to 'gay' couples they are committing 'a human rights' offence but if a muslim/Arab etc objected it would be ok because it would be against their religion?

you make a good point conny ;)
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Number 3
You have the right to free speech
(as long as, you're not dumb enough to actually try it)
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