EU migrant quota scheme

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Hungary & Poland have agreed to resist quotas of asylum seekers in a defiant allaince against the EU's refugee agenda.

Neither country has taken a single migrant under the quota scheme which was passed by the majority of EU members.

Slovakia & Czech Republic have also refused to take their share.

Poland & Hungary emphasised the growing status of central europe & the Visegard group or V4 , they state that

Germanys trade with the V4 was now larger than its trade with France ????????
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Not surprised that common sense comes from eastern/central Europe. Who are The Eu to tell any country that they should have 'their share'?

And anyway, most are not 'asylum seekers'. Many come from safe countries, but often destroy their documents to say they come from less safe countries. Vast majority are just economic migrants who offer no skills or anything useful to Europe, but will end up sponging off the hard-pressed taxpayers. Mostly fit, young men, they should stay in their own countries and sort their own problems out rather than expecting us to do it for them.

There was one moaning the other day that she kept being sent back to Serbia when she was trying to travel to western Europe. She was with 6 of her 10 children and said that all she wants is a "good life" - FFS!
You can't blame someone for wanting a good life, but they should expect to do it off their own backs, not ours - and I suppose hubby will join them later. As merkel invited all these so called refugees in, how the hell does she and Macron have the audacity to then say that other countries have to take their fair share.
How do you determine a fair share? County size, current number of residents, job opportunities....
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Sorry, I'd have to say that that's the wrong way to look at the situation. If every country had agreed to take in the migrants (of whatever status), then your question would be a valid one, but these "quotas" are being imposed on countries abritraily. They are being treated as vassal states to the EU, and just being told what to do. Great example of democracy in action, or the shape of things to come.
The only 'fair share' would be if the Gerries take the lot. The German population keep voting in Mad Merkel and I'm supposing that they're the richest EU country - so they should have all the 'benefits' of allowing in the 3rd world en masse to enrich them all with unlimited diversity.

Maybe as the French are always brown nosing the Germans, they could also have some.

The EU: we're well out of it.
Yes, the dragon may have had her wings clipped a little, but she's still hanging in there. By rights, she should have suffered the same fate as Mussolini after what she has done to Germany and Europe.
she was off her trolley tbh , if she actually believed that there would be no consequences to her migrant policy

1 million :)
She's a politician, none of them ever think about the consequences of what they do - or say. They should be outlawed, or there should open season on them for 1 night every 4 years.
when berlosconi was in charge of italy he got over heard at some e.u summit saying he would not want to give her one :eek:

blimey whats up with the bloke

Berlusconi did just about anything that moved, but only as long as they looked good enough to eat. Merkel doesn't come int that category any longer unless your another German.
I wonder what sanctions will be imposed on those countries for their defiance of the EU ruling?

One of my bugbears with the EU is that other members seemed to do what they liked and if they did not agree to requirement then they simply would not bother with it. But like idiots, we would implement everything fully even to our disadvantage.
One of my bugbears with the EU is that other members seemed to do what they liked and if they did not agree to requirement then they simply would not bother with it. But like idiots, we would implement everything fully even to our disadvantage.
Is your bugbear with the EU that they do NOT punish others for ignoring requirements or that Britain (like the British) meekly does whatever it's told?

Is this another case of blaming the EU for the actions of the British Government?
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