Even if Boris gets backstop removed -its still not a solution

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Withdrawal Agreement with no backstop -still a bad deal

Oh -and still not a trade deal

The Withdrawal Agreement without the backstop is still a bad Treaty
By JOHNREDWOOD | Published: AUGUST 20, 2019
The PM is trying to get the EU to revisit the Withdrawal Agreement by asking them to first strike out the 165 pages of the backstop. It is by no means clear Parliament would vote through the WA minus the backstop, as it still leaves us staying in the EU for another 21 to 45 months, paying them large sums, keeping us under the ECJ and various other undesirable features often discussed here. To a leaver the WA is not Brexit, and to a Remainer it is clearly worse than staying in. The PM would need to require other changes as well. The EU has repeated the mantra it put into the delay agreement, that it will not reopen the Withdrawal Agreement, so it looks as if there will be nothing to put to Parliament anyway. .


(edited to add link)
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it's on Redwood's web page you Numpty
Hey, we have 5th Musketeer (thanked by one of the original Musketeers). "One for all and all for one". Christ, they're coming out of the woodwork quicker than illegal immigrants from the back of a lorry in Dover!
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EU still hoping bad brexit offer = brexit cancelled. This won’t change until the chances of no deal are more likely.
EU still hoping bad brexit offer = brexit cancelled. This won’t change until the chances of no deal are more likely.

Maybe, but they are watching the political situation, it is not a foregone conclusion Boris will stay in power.

He only has a majority of 1.
Probably its the hardline brexiteers in Labour which could prevent a no confidence majority.

As regards the EU blinking, it wont happen because they will not open the withdrawal agreement before 1st Nov and unlikely after.

They also know that in the event of a no deal, they hold all the cards -the UK would have to return for negotiations with zero power.
EU still hoping bad brexit offer = brexit cancelled.

UK could have gone for the Norwegian option, or the Swiss option, or the Canada option, or the Turkey option.

Turned them all down and chose to go for the Somalia option. Then turned that down as well.

Who's to blame?

People who can't agree what they want, and won't accept anything.

Probably its the hardline brexiteers in Labour which could prevent a no confidence majority.
There aren't many of them.

I would have thought far fewer than hardline remainers in the Conservative Party. Whether they would cave in and vote for Johnson is another matter.
UK could have gone for the Norwegian option, or the Swiss option, or the Canada option, or the Turkey option.

Turned them all down and chose to go for the Somalia option. Then turned that down as well.

Who's to blame?

People who can't agree what they want, and won't accept anything.


Evidence that these were on offer please. The only offer on the table was pay money and we can talk
Now I must admit that I have not really paid much attention to this backstop thing, tbh I don't really care if there is border there or not.
But why is it that the Irish think that they can not have a border to the EU when I will have to go through one to go into the EU?
Are they not part of the UK?
But why is it that the Irish think that they can not have a border to the EU when I will have to go through one to go into the EU?
A very good question.

One could suggest reasons which would not be very complimentary.
Blackmail is the politest I can come up with.

Are they not part of the UK?
Only because of gerrymandering and of course the remainder understandably don't like it.
Evidence that these were on offer please. The only offer on the table was pay money and we can talk

The EU has several possible schemes that countries can choose between, depending how closely integrated they want to be. UK didn't want any of them. If it had wanted to, it could have chosen an option and then negotiated the detail.

Are you claiming that there is no Norway deal? no Canada deal? no Switzerland deal? no Turkey deal?

UK didn't want to go down any of those paths.

The UK government negotiated and agreed a deal with the EU delegated negotiators.
Do you deny it?

Then UK Parliament turned it down.
Do you deny it?
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