"Everthing's Great," says Ford...

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I don't have any of the characteristics of that bunch of retired plumbers.

I believe it shows the Youth Wing of the Surrey Europhobes.

If we have a harsh winter next year, the rerun vote will be a walkover.
I don't have any of the characteristics of that bunch of retired plumbers.

I believe it shows the Youth Wing of the Surrey Europhobes.

If we have a harsh winter next year, the rerun vote will be a walkover.
Unfortunately for you, there is a younger generation of Plumbers to replace them, so I wouldn't mention your views to them otherwise it could be a cold Winter for you.. The look on a young remainer's face when you explain that the trade price of the pump on their combi is £200+ VAT plus labour due to Directive 2009/125/EC warms this leavers wallet.
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Yes, I saw a new crop of plumbers migrate onto here in the last week or so. I don't know how old they are.
Yes, I saw a new crop of plumbers migrate onto here in the last week or so. I don't know how old they are.
And you'd be unpleasantly surprised how anti EU they are too... The EU has been threatening their countries over some quota that their countries are refusing to adhere to...... Anyway, Isn't your country remaining with the EU? so perhaps you will get a nice Ford engine plant built in the Highlands...If you guys can slip Ford enough money, whatever currency you will be using
Scotland's exports of whisky, haggis and shortbread will be sufficient. Plus perhaps some electricity and oil.

I don't know if it is worthwhile pumping subsidies into foreign-owned car companies like the Quitters do. How much has Theresa promised to Peugeot, Land Rover, Jaguar, Toyota and Nissan? Are you pleased to be subsidising the profits of foreign-owned companies?


I have an idea that prior to the vote, some old plumber on here claimed never to have met a pro-EU person.

Remembering that they comprised roughly half the votes (more in Scotland, less in Wales) I wonder if he lived in some plumber parallel universe. Or perhaps he wore blinkers.
I have an idea that prior to the vote, some old plumber on here claimed never to have met a pro-EU person.

Remembering that they comprised roughly half the population (more in Scotland, less in Wales) I wonder if he lived in some plumber parallel universe. Or perhaps he wore blinkers.
Well, I don't know about old but he certainly was wise. Perhaps he didn't move in the kind of circles where he would meet remainers, perhaps the people he knew were all useful people who do stuff rather than middle managers, consultants and school teachers..Granted there does seem to to be a carpenter in the remain camp but I can only conclude that he has sniffed too much creosote over his time
Scotland's exports of whisky, haggis and shortbread will be sufficient. Plus perhaps some electricity and oil.

I don't know if it is worthwhile pumping subsidies into foreign-owned car companies like the Quitters do. How much has Theresa promised to Peugeot, Land Rover, Jaguar, Toyota and Nissan? Are you pleased to be subsidising the profits of foreign-owned companies?

Do you know how much we are subsidising these companies?
I don't know if it is worthwhile pumping subsidies into foreign-owned car companies like the Quitters do. How much has Theresa promised to Peugeot, Land Rover, Jaguar, Toyota and Nissan? Are you pleased to be subsidising the profits of foreign-owned companies?
I asked first.
I asked first.
How can I tell you if I am displeased or pleased if I don't know how much we are bunging them? Are we giving them anything at all? If you could tell us, then perhaps I could tell you if I am happy or not.
You'd better ask your buddies in the Quitters.



Best pop in to Spoonies in the afternoon. You're looking for older people with poorer education



Those workers in Sunderland must be hopping to work, assuming they still have one foot they didn't shoot.
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I have said no such thing.

Your wandering imagination is leading you astray.
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