Excluded from another thread.

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22 Jul 2023
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United Kingdom
Unsurprisingly and predictably I've been excluded from yet another thread, a sure sign that someone was losing face over their facile arguments.
As soon as they run out of sensible arguments they run off, crying to the mods.
I've apparently been banned for ad hominem attacks.
Yet it's the usual culprits who have been making endless ad hominem attacks against me, accusing me of being a Hamas supporter, even having Hamas as friends, of me telling lies, etc. They like to be abusive, but as soon as they are accused of being dishonest with their abuse, off they trot to the mods.

Now they'll take advantage of my inability to respond, with renewed allegations against me, and pointless requests for proof, knowing full well that I've been excluded.

It's obvious how some are protected from their arguments being destroyed, ridiculed and refuted, and they're given freedom to make further unwarranted accusations, knowing I am not allowed to respond.
It's these very people who argue for free speech that seek to silence anything that counters their fragile arguments.
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Funny how you get excluded from so many threads Roy, but yet it’s never your fault!
@Roy Bloom you know who it was ? You shouldn’t argue with a M0d
I have a pretty good idea. Locked out of two threads for putting them on the spot.
But that means a MOD exploiting their ability to lock threads when it gets uncomfortable for them. They wouldn't do that, would they? :oops:
You could always go somewhere else if you don't like it assuming someone would have you
Like others I just see it as par for the course, not something to get your knickers in a twist over.
Can't stop: looking for my tiny violin.
I must be the most abused poster, with the constant stream of vindictive comments in this forum, and I'm the one that gets locked out of threads for so called ad hominem attacks. :oops:

I doubt anyone reported you, I suspect a Mod just looked in and saw you spiralling out of control again, just think of the Mods as protecting you from yourself, look on it as an act of kindness.
Rather convenient that they don't happen to look in when you, Notch, Denso, gnat, et al are making your baseless accusations, which you are never able to to prove. Oh yeah, the dog ate your homework, and theirs. :rolleyes:
I must be the most abused poster, with the constant stream of vindictive comments in this forum, and I'm the one that gets locked out of threads for so called ad hominem attacks. :oops:

Rather convenient that they don't happen to look in when you, Notch, Denso, gnat, et al are making your baseless accusations, which you are never able to to prove. Oh yeah, the dog ate your homework, and theirs. :rolleyes:
I am pleased to see you aren’t blaming others for your own failings.
I am pleased to see you aren’t blaming others for your own failings.
Your comment about Hamas being corrupt is nonsense, like a lot of things you say. The reason why the people of Gaza overwhelmingly voted for Hamas was because of the corruption within Fatah, and Fatah is not designated as a terrorist organisation.

I'm amazed that you can remember your losing parlimentary candidate.s name after 4 years.
If they had won, no problem in remembering their name. But to remember a losing candidate's name after 4 years, when it was the first and only election they stood for, is some quite a memory feat.
I can't remember the name of the candidate that I voted for in 2019.
I would have to go and look it up. Is that what you did? :unsure:
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