Face recognition via Passport

31 May 2016
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United Kingdom

If you have ever been arrested and processed, the police will have your details on their database. For everyone else they don't have access to records, unless there are special circumstances. I'm not in favour of the police routinely having access to passport databases for the purposes of identifying suspects.

I know there is an argument that you don't have anything to fear unless you are a criminal, but we know that mistakes happen.
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Waitrose and the co-op (at least) use close up video images of you at their self service checkouts, neither (that I could see) have any indication of what they will be used for. Your average shoplifter will hardly be deterred as the police do sod all. In fact in the media today, the govt is encouraging debate on whether you should have a go as an ordinary citizen.

there is plenty of cctv, and I guess we consent by shopping there. Nobody has the option of opting out of their passport of driving licence photo being make available for police investigations.
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Watched a tv prog on AI a few weeks back. It referenced China and their internal AI / Facial Recognition strategy. I think they said China is relatively open (to an extent) about what it wants to achieve in terms of monitoring it's citizens. Of course, much of it is promoted as ensuring a safe and secure society which this tech no doubt helps deliver. However there are other objectives less talked about that AI / facial recognition can help authoritarian countries achieve.

Goodness knows what the future holds for more democratic countries when it comes to all this stuff. I'm pleased I'll be outta here ~30 years from now at most cause I reckon, compared to the relative freedoms folk our age have grown up taking for granted, bit by bit they'll be eroded, all in the interests of our safety and the environment you understand ;)