Farmers happy they got what they voted for

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Such a wonderful story

Sorry no backsies now, you made your bed now lay in it, buyers remorse?

Farmers were repeatedly told they were being lied to, many knew they were being lied to but they still chose to believe the lies.

Farmers say it is "unbelievable" their MP is calling for hormone-injected beef to be allowed into the UK.
Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg told Conservatives he favoured ending the ban on using hormones in cattle in a bid for cheaper imported beef.
Hormone-treated beef has been banned in the UK for more than 30 years due to animal and human safety concerns.
The North East Somerset MP said his point was that "free trade is beneficial to everyone".
"It's beneficial for consumer because it decreases price, it's beneficial for the producer, it increases productivity and efficiency," he added.
Eleven farmers from around the Mendips have written to the MP since the conference earlier in October.
One, Andrew Wear, said: "It's worrying, really. He lives in a beautiful area, surely he should have some forethought on what he is saying to reflect what his constituents are trying to achieve.
"Many of us are part of the farming community in Somerset - it is really quite shameful he comes out with such comments."

"We hope the consumer appreciates they are getting food that is really helpful for them. Not just mass-produced, anything, put into their diet.
"We want cheap food in the UK... but we don't want it in jeopardy to the environment, to the livestock or to the consumer who's eating that food."
At the conference, Sir Jacob said: "I want cheaper food, I want hormone-injected beef from Australia. I've eaten beef in Australia, it was absolutely delicious. There's nothing wrong with it and they should be allowed to export it here."
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Easy. Don’t buy it if you don’t like it. Buy British.
Do you think Tim would tell me, next time I tuck into one of their reasonably priced Weatherspoon steaks? Or at my local Italian restaurant?

Buy British as long as there is a flag sticking out of it, eh. (y)
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Correct. Look for the provenance. If you can see it, ask, it’s hardly rocket science!
Ask? You think for one minute the average waitress knows where their beef originates? They'll just pat you on your arm Mottie and tell you that its as British as the tea in your cup. (y)
This was a big talking point when I was at college in the early 80s doing Food Technology. At that time, hormones were still allowed to be used in the production of beef. They weren't banned until 1989. There's two issues with hormone-treated beef:

1. One of the hormones is suspected to be carcinogenic.

2. Because of the way hormone-fed beef cattle are raised, animal welfare is greatly compromised.

I don't eat meat, but if I did, I would not eat hormone-treated beef or chlorinated chicken.
Ask? You think for one minute the average waitress knows where their beef originates? They'll just pat you on your arm Mottie and tell you that it’s as British as the tea in your cup. (y)
When and if it comes in, if you haven’t got the savvy to ask where the meat on your plate has come from or the teenager that's microwaved it for you can’t tell you, drop me a line, tell me where you're planning to eat and I’ll check it out for you. A simple rule of thumb to observe if it bothers you is that if they can’t tell you where their meat has come from, don’t eat there! (y)
Sounds simple doesn't it. :rolleyes:

Yes tread a careful path noseall it could be horse meat dressed up as beef in particular if it’s imported from the EU

Ask to see the manager and ask him if it comes from the EU ?? If he can’t tell you ? Don’t eat it

Could be imported from France ??

Yes exactly
Easy. Don’t buy it if you don’t like it. Buy British.
Yes, especially when its much dearer, or standards lowered to compete.

1 of the benefits of brexit !

And you voted for this, for your kids as well as others
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