Fat/Thin and Tall/Short - Now what about make up ?

28 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
Everyone I know thinks Jordan looks better when she is going for the natural look, and I haven't met anybody who likes Jodie Marsh, so why do 'models' like this cake it on so much ?

Is the teenage-boy-w*nking market really so lucrative, or is there something else behind it ?
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I think both of them look like d*gs.

Oh hang on, no, my mistake. A bulldog chewing a wasp is more attractive.
Makeup? Yuck!!! The theory behind it is plausible enough. You paint your lips red so that they look more engorged with blood. This is supposed to mimic a sexual signal. You clag that blusher stuff on for the same reason. You pluck all your eyebrows out then paint on false ones. What's that all about? You paint round your eyeballs to make them look bigger. Another fake sexual signal. There was a time when you could put atropine in there to really make those pupils bigger. You wouldn't be able to see where you were going and the stuff might kill you but Roman women did it anyway.

Listen carefully yet again ladies and I'll let you into another secret. Those fake signals don't work. I can't tell you why but they just don't. I know the real thing when I see it and something is definitely missing. Whatever it is must be incredibly difficult to fake because most of Hollywood's so called sex symbols simply couldn't do it. The only one's I can think of off hand (no pun there) were Mae West and, to a lesser extent, Greta Garbo.

For the benefit of those of either sex who haven't got a clue what I'm on about here are a few examples.


All the Spice Girls
Every supermodel I've ever seen


Tina Turner
Helen Ledere
Sally James (remember TISWAS)
Still doesn't explain painting yourself Orange....

Helen Lederer ? That posh comedian woman that's a bit like Sarah Kennedy ? Really ? No problems with it, just seems a strange example....

And no mention of lovely, lovely Sarah Beenie ??
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It looks like I'm showing my age again. Does this explain why I've never heard of Sarah Beenie? I was also in a bit of a hurry so I just typed in whoever came to mind first. If I'd dredged a bit deeper through the grey cells I would have remembered Stevie Nicks and I should never have left out the very first woman who struck me as having something most lacked - Aimi Macdonald.

I spent my teenage years at an all boys' school at a time when the Miss World contest was an annual event. A regular comment around the school was "You can see better looking women walking down the street." I had to agree with this but wasn't quite sure why at the time. The answer is now obvious. They were for the most part excessively tarted up but, with one notable exception, there was nothing below the surface.

The exception - Miss Sweden 1970. Anybody else remember her?

Cosmetics manufacturers are obviously hell bent on encouraging this because they're making a fortune out of us. Nobody who makes lipstick is about to tell women that they'd look better without it. I suppose women have been painting themselves since the day paint was invented (men have done it too though possibly for different reasons) but you'd have to be desperate to resort to the potentially fatal bella donna.

As I mentioned in another post, if those Roman women had really wanted to attract a mate their pupils would have dilated by themselves. I'm left with two possible reasons for faking it:

1) They were more interested in impressing other women.
2) They had a problem. How do you get a man when you don't actually like any of them them?
Sarah Beenie is caked in make-up. :eek:

I like make-up in moderation. Just a touch to improve natural features. I don't really go for the "little girl who's put on her mum's make-up" look! I also think the taste of lipstick is quite nice, a reminder that you are snogging someone. Isn't the natural look what it is all about now? Just a touch of make-up? Most of the attractive girls I know wear no make-up apart from on nights out (and frankly it spoils them!) :LOL:

I think Jordan is just as attractive in make-up or out of make-up, just so long as she doesn't speak... she should consider either getting elocution lessons, or stitching her gravel-chewing mouth shut. Every time I hear her god-awful voice, I have to go outside and kick a rabbit. For the sake of the bunnies, can someone shut her up? :evil:

You mention Stevie Nicks, I think she still looked pretty good for a woman of 50-something on one of their live DVDs. Not sure how much of that is down to the surgeon's knife though.
AdamW said:
Sarah Beenie is caked in make-up. :eek:


Is she ? Just looked up some pictures and can't make up my mind now. Caked seems a bit unfair....
ok the one person i know who wears to mauch make up is... (i hate to mention the show but..)
Vanessa off Big Brother 50 (or whatever it is)
Brioght Green Eyeshadow?... blusher... you're dark skinned.. you dont need blusher!!

makes me feel ill.. actually she looks ill..

and as for Kemal... (no comment) :p
Sarah Beany has big tits but the face of a muppet

Sally James has had at least one face lift

Jordan is a dog
Freddie said:
Sarah Beany has big **** but the face of a muppet

I'm an avid viewer, but have seldom noticed her face. What's her programme about anyway? :LOL:
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