First 'post Brexit' trade deal...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom

"Theresa May has announced that the UK has secured its first post-Brexit trade deal during her trip to boost British exports in Africa...

The prime minister confirmed that Britain would replicate a deal the EU currently has with six southern African nations...

She also added that the UK would invest an additional £4bn in African economies, with the hope of further match investment from the private sector to come. "

So let's get this straight...

The UK splashes out £4bn for a deal that replicates the EU deal that we wouldn't have had to shell out extra for had we remained!

Brexit - the gift that keeps on giving
(to everyone but the UK!)

Don't know about the mockers, but that is making us more of a laughing stock in my book ;)
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Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland, with Mozambique

I wonder what the combined GDP of those countries is, and the value of UK exports to them.

"Ms May was forced to deny she was “late to the party”, with African leaders she is meeting this week having already met and formed relations with leaders of other large economies – including President Trump, President Xi of China and Emmanuel Macron of France."

So we're in competition with the big boys.
I wonder what the combined GDP of those countries is, and the value of UK exports to them.
If you can't beat them, join them!

We're well on the way to 'banana republic' status...

But I wonder what 'free movement' deal will be involved?
After all, we will still need experienced 'fruit pickers' post Brexit.

And I wonder how quitters will react to hearing all those extra different lingos... ;)
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I was under the impression we weren't able to negotiate trade deals outside of the EU whilst we are still a member?
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I was under the impression we weren't able to negotiate trade deals outside of the EU whilst we are still a member?
I was too...

So maybe just a bit of 'window dressing' before the October 'deadline'?

Whatever the truth is, it's an indication of how much Brexit will end up costing the UK - both financially and reputation wise!
The UK splashes out £4bn for a deal that replicates the EU deal that we wouldn't have had to shell out extra for had we remained!

Yes it would be so much better to keeping dumping cheap food into Africa to keep them in poverty.

Oh wait a minute.....that's what the lovely EU have done for decades.
Yes it would be so much better to keeping dumping cheap food into Africa to keep them in poverty.

Oh wait a minute.....that's what the lovely EU have done for decades.
Ah, so just 'dumping' an extra £4bn of UK 'aid'/taxpayers money is any better?

In return for nothing more than the 'benefits' that we were getting in the first place?

You really need to work out the difference between financial reality and clinging on to your ideological ignorance, notchy

You've already outed yourself as a born again remainer - embrace the full truth and be at peace with yourself (y)
While they're no economic powerhouses, they're no worse than eu members Estonia, Latvia, Malta, Romania, Cyprus......
work out the difference between financial reality

The financial reality that the EU has kept Africa in poverty for decades due to its protectionist trade block. Something you clearly agree with as you are incapable of accepting any criticism of th EU.
Just look what China has been doing with their investment in Africa for many years now. They are making millions and will do so for years based on their agreements.

"Theresa May has announced that the UK has secured its first post-Brexit trade deal during her trip to boost British exports in Africa...

The prime minister confirmed that Britain would replicate a deal the EU currently has with six southern African nations...

She also added that the UK would invest an additional £4bn in African economies, with the hope of further match investment from the private sector to come. "

So let's get this straight...

The UK splashes out £4bn for a deal that replicates the EU deal that we wouldn't have had to shell out extra for had we remained!

Brexit - the gift that keeps on giving
(to everyone but the UK!)

Don't know about the mockers, but that is making us more of a laughing stock in my book ;)
Are you really thick or just purposefully distorting the facts to suit your agenda?
The financial reality that the EU has kept Africa in poverty for decades due to its protectionist trade block. Something you clearly agree with as you are incapable of accepting any criticism of th EU.
There you go again...

Believing in 'absolutes' when nothing is further from the truth!

The EU is far from perfect, but how about you compare it to what the Chinese are currently doing in Africa...

Or what America has done...
Or what the British Empire did...
Or what other European countries did...

All of the above do/have exploited Africa!

For centuries (excluding the EU), not decades!

Your obsession clouds your judgement - if you ever had that ability in the first place!
Are you really thick or just purposefully distorting the facts to suit your agenda?
I think if 'thick' is what you seek, then look no further than your mirror!

Check out the real facts, not the political rhetoric/false news!

But hey, if you wish to shell out yet more of our money in order to 'get your country back', then who am I to argue...:)

Just look what China has been doing with their investment in Africa for many years now. They are making millions and will do so for years based on their agreements.

'Raping' the African continent of it's resources just as we/others used to do!
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