Food Crisis - Perfect Storm?


17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
My attempts to grow vegetables have mostly been a disaster this year - and I bought a greenhouse! By this time last year everything was well over a foot tall with fruits starting to show.

Spoke to a friend that lives next door to a nursery, and they said same problem, so many plants are failing to grow because of the exceptionally cold April and May.

Looking at the news, and it is the same problem all over Europe.

This could be a harder year than expected, what with covid causing disruption in supply routes, Brexit causing delays in food imports from the EU, and now the bloody British weather!

I really don't know how we coped before. So I researched... we used to rely massively on our colonies. The UK population grew rapidly during the empire thanks largely to the amount of food we used to import. The war prompted us to start producing more food again ours, and then combined with EU imports (about 50% of our needs) we were food positive.

But 2021/22 is looking tricky, to say the least!

Better plant some potatoes....
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My potatoes are already in. 3 different types. Along with carrots, salad, asparagus, radish, Swiss Chard, peas, parsnips, rhubarb, garlic, French beans, horseradish, rocket and beetroot. Still to go in are my brassicas - cabbage, broccoli, kale, sprouts and cauliflower as well as butternut squash, runner beans, sweet corn, courgettes and of course, tomatoes - they are all still in the poly tunnel. Possibly planting these out this weekend. :)
My attempts to grow vegetables have mostly been a disaster this year - and I bought a greenhouse! By this time last year everything was well over a foot tall with fruits starting to show.

Spoke to a friend that lives next door to a nursery, and they said same problem, so many plants are failing to grow because of the exceptionally cold April and May.

Looking at the news, and it is the same problem all over Europe.

This could be a harder year than expected, what with covid causing disruption in supply routes, Brexit causing delays in food imports from the EU, and now the bloody British weather!

I really don't know how we coped before. So I researched... we used to rely massively on our colonies. The UK population grew rapidly during the empire thanks largely to the amount of food we used to import. The war prompted us to start producing more food again ours, and then combined with EU imports (about 50% of our needs) we were food positive.

But 2021/22 is looking tricky, to say the least!

Better plant some potatoes....
I was reading an expat site just before reading your comment, then half way through reading your comment, the phone rang. After a conversation of a few minutes I returned to reading your comment, and for some unfathomable reason my mind had jumped back to the mindset I had reading the expat site. I thought WTF he is on about when I read ," vegies been a disaster, cold April, Brexit causing shortages, EU imports reduced, bloody British weather".
Then I refocussed and realised what I was reading. :confused:

Neighbour's potatoes are already coming up. He has got about 6 acres of 'em!

From experience here, if we plant potatoes we do it early so they can be harvested before the Colorado Beetle emerges.
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This could be a harder year than expected, what with covid causing disruption in supply routes, Brexit causing delays in food imports from the EU, and now the bloody British weather!

You forgot the lack of willing EU labour to harvest the crops caused by Brexshit. Never mind. Travel Lodges and Holiday Inns are full of fit young men who will be only too pleased to repay us for giving them sanctuary from having to live in dangerous, war torn countries under oppressive regimes - like France where they came from. :rolleyes: I'm sure they'll rise to the challenge and repay our hospitality by bringing in the harvest to keep Britain fed. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
The UK population grew rapidly during the empire thanks largely to the amount of food we used to import.

You needs to be particularly stupid to think that you are not just the afterbirth of that other **** that such spouted nonsense on here . . .

Why do stupid people think everyone else is equally as stupid???
You needs to be particularly stupid to think that you are not just the afterbirth of that other **** that such spouted nonsense on here . . .

Why do stupid people think everyone else is equally as stupid???

I didn't understand a word of that.
You needs to be particularly stupid to think that you are not just the afterbirth of that other **** that such spouted nonsense on here . . .
Why do stupid people think everyone else is equally as stupid???
Perhaps because you equate disagreeing with your opinion, to being stupid.

Population growth
The population of Britain grew rapidly during this period, from around five million people in 1700 to nearly nine million by 1801.
How about offering an alternative argument instead of a dribble of abuse.
Unless you are one of the typical trolls on here who find it highly amusing to abuse others, just because you can.
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